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Outdated Containers 0.2.2

Colourful, big containers

  1. Updated to support Tabula Rasa

    Updated to add the containers to the Tabula Rasa.

    Since Tabula Rasa hasn't officially been updated at this time I just updated its .modinfo file to reflect "Enraged Koala" and it works fine.
    mymagicjohnson likes this.
  2. Updated for Enraged Koala

    Nothing new, per se; just updated to work with the latest game update.
  3. More colours and a fix

    Hi everyone. Here's version 0.2.

    What's New:
    - Orange container
    - Yellow container
    - You can now also make smaller versions (maybe you can fit some on your ship?)

    I fixed the error when trying to make the green container with all the ingredients. (Was trying to use green dye, which doesn't exist, doh)

    (Arcade not included)

    Ooh look, colours!