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Outdated Construction Squared 0.9.426

Build Stuff!

  1. A new button!

    There is a new button, "Below". Basically it lets the structure be built downwards instead of up. See the How to make your own items section for details on how it works.
  2. Botched the player.config while testing

  3. load/delete update

    Delete now uses the same popup-with-buttons as load. Both were updated to better scale with potentially large structure names or number of structures instead of just becoming increasingly large. Also change the compression to .7z, which reduced the size of the archive.
  4. Fixed saving not adding the item to player.config

    Apparently at some point I accidentally deleted the code that added new items to player.config. So yeah, that's back now.
    Luthor614 likes this.
  5. Made loading easier

    Loading now pops up a window with all the structures to load as buttons instead of having to type the name in.
  6. small fix

    Fixed saving when not entering a name.