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Outdated Collectable figurines 2.6

Craft 'em all!

  1. Motteke! New items

    - Missed recipe for wide pedestal;
    - Vol.3 MLP figures can be recycled;
    - Removed giant petal from the shop;
    - Solved confuses with characters' names;
    - Few graphical changes;
    - Micro screws craftable from bolts;
    - Servo mechanism for advanced toys and figures;
    - Carbon gears;
    - Winder;
    - 7 heroes from Diablo II;
    - Tsukasa and Miyuki cheerleading figures (in addition to 1.8's);
    - Lucky Star main cast animated...
    3StarBaguette likes this.
  2. MLP, 東方, fixes

    - MLP blindbag specials can be furnaced;
    - Replaced unexisting items in recipes;
    - Wire is now cheaper;
    - Reworked few icons;
    - Giant flower petal and teacup in fig-o-matic;
    - New pedestal for two figurines or a wide one;
    - 2rd volume My Little Pony blindbag got 2 extra models now (increased drop chances for new figures till next update);
    - 3rd volume My Little Pony blindbag with 8 models and 1 very special;
    - 5 Touhou Project...
  3. Version 1.7

    - Error with interactables
    - Vol.2 pony figures can be recycled now
    - Pedestals are right color
    - Replaced matterobject with proper matteritem
    - Something else
    - Konata and Kagami figures
    Vanillarune likes this.
  4. Compatibility patch

  5. Stands'n'fixes

    - Holiday spirit is now on sale in figomatic
    - Repaired nasty errors from blindbags
    - Slightly remapped drop chances
    - 10 pedestals (of 5 kinds)
  6. Furious Koala update

    - compatibility with new patch
    - few models were missing in player.config
    - 4 wooden action figures
    - Tardis and 3 Doctors (Doctor Who)
    - 2 Master Chief figures (Halo)
    - 4 vault-tec bobbleheads, available from fig-o-matic (Fallout)
    - My Little Pony vol.2 blindbag with 6 common figures and a very secret one
    with great help of ExtraHP:
    - 4 evas (NGE)
    - Completed fortune pack of...
    Kuroda_K likes this.
  7. Mechas ftw!

    - Blindbag with 3 Gundam SD figures (16*16). Set isn't complete yet, so craft it on your risk ;)
    - 3 big Gundam figures (16*24)
    - Another 3 Gundam figures (8*16)
    - 1 figure from Fallout
    - 6 figures from Full Metal Alchemist
    - 2 figures from Touhou Project
    - Garage kit has 8 categories now
    - player.config missed few items
    - Changed figure recipes a bit
  8. Shop, dyes, figures, new materials

    Sorry for external link, site seems unstable now.

    - Vending machine with rare figure parts, available via robotic table;
    - Special currency, craftable with compressor;
    - 5 new figures from Castlevania (can't find who requested them);
    - Mario figure, usable as container;
    - Pipe pedestal;
    - Golden dye;
    - Glitter;
    - Joints for action figures;
    - Tutorial, doesn't work now though =(
    - Silver dye recipe;
    - Icon for rainbow dye;
    - Few missing images;
    - Reorganized...
  9. Update

    - Adjusted some colors
    - Adjusted positioning for pony figures
    - Balanced several recipes
    - More convenient data structure
    - Added 2 new pedestals
    - Added 9 new figures (Touhou Project)
    Aidan, wilk220 and Kaitol like this.
  10. More figures

    - Mirrored existing figures so facing is more correct now
    - Added Utsuho Reiuji figure (Touhou Project)
    - Added golden statuette from Amnesia (suggestion by johnneibert)
    - Added My Little Pony blind bag, containing 1 of 8 random ponies or a special one
    - You can create rainbow dyes now
    Aidan likes this.