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Outdated Collectable figurines 2.6

Craft 'em all!

  1. Hotfix

    [ ! ! ! ] Before copying new folder - delete old "colfigures" derectory please (make sure that game isn't running at that moment).

    - Garage kit interface should work for everyone now;
    - Rainbow dye requires equal amount of red, blue and yellow petals;
    - White dye is made of faceted diamond now (where the heck is my precious ore?);
    - Replaced iron blocks with bars in figure showcase recipe;
    - Replaced solarium rods with ore in gundam bbs recipe;
    - Concrete pedestal is craftable with common cobblestone;
    - Tardis is craftable with pvc material, not figure parts. Also it doesn't make whomp-whomp anymore, dunno why;
    - Replaced non existent ingredients in touhou recipes. Left holiday items though, they can be obtained via legit mods.

    - Garage kit and fig-o-matic names are in color now. Because that's what important.
    Biirdy Daysleeper likes this.
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