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Outdated Collectable figurines 2.6

Craft 'em all!

  1. More stuff? Less stuff!

    Since many of you asked for giraffe update - you can have it right here and right now.
    But! I haven't experienced new version far enough yet, so majority of recipes may appear broken. All fixes and new content are only ahead (this week I hope).

    This patch fixes only few important things:
    - Garage kit requires iron bars instead of iron blocks (not craftable anymore?);
    - No need to find tool spawner for fig-o-matic - hi-tech chest will do the thing. Also cerullium lights are replaced with titanium ones and blue dyes with blue crayon;
    - (temporarily) MLP figures can't be recycled. They took too many slots in craft menu;

    Huge thanks to Zero127 for patching advice and ready player.config. I knew I messed up something .___.
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