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CIPHER Ship AI v1.0

Bill Cipher's become your ship AI! Ready to make a deal?

  1. CIPHER AI! Now with even more snark and personality than ever before!

    - Pop-up AI messages(such as the ones in missions and whatnot) now give more Bill-like 'advice' and musings when they show up.*

    - Bill's reactions to people attempting to upgrade matter manipulators/ships/etc without the sufficient materials are now more consistently the "yell"(the angry) emote. Some were and some weren't, so now all of them should be the same thing.

    * Disclaimer: Bill is probably not much of a good influence and much of his 'advice' should not be taken very seriously.

    Need feedback on the changes to the 'failed attempts at upgrades' stuff, not sure whether to use the "yell" emote where he turns red and angry(which is the baseline as of this version) or whether to go back to the "refuse" emote where he just gives you 'the look.' So yeah! Let me know which you prefer if you've used previous versions of the mod. 'Cause I honestly can't decide.

    Of course, mod race support has been updated as well.
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