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CIPHER Ship AI v1.0

Bill Cipher's become your ship AI! Ready to make a deal?

  1. I lied, the portraits weren't fixed + typo fix + custom race mod support!

    - Fixed a typo regarding the first matter manipulator upgrade, where Bill was referring to multiple modules in plural form even though you only need one.

    - REALLY fixed the portraits not working this time. For realsies, I actually was able to test it this time. Oops!

    - Made a dropbox folder specifically for this mod with custom race support; the only thing in it currently is support for the Orcana race mod. Might do some others later on, including a template! It should work either with or without the the main mod installed(which just replaces all the vanilla races' AI), but the addon(s) won't run unless the relevant race mod is actually installed. The main page will be edited to have a link to the custom race support folder mentioned; for now, you can find it here.
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