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Outdated Chocobo Mounts 1.05

KWEH! Adds rideable Chocobos and more!

  1. 1.03 Update: Mounted Combat! (Sorta.)

    A popular request was mounted combat for Chocobos. While we can't necessarily do that due to engine limitations (by this, we mean player held weapons), we can at least equip Chocobos with their own weapons!
    - Added Battle Chocobos! These Chocobos come equipped with their own spears. Now you won't be defenseless! (Currently only in normal and black colorations. Next update will reintroduce the rest of the colors.)
    - Added 3 new decorations!
    - Added 2 new paintings!
    Pandemic_Trauma, dawg911 and Ixantir like this.
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