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Outdated Bleach Mod and friends! 2014-02-09

Now including other anime's, game's and manga!

  1. Minor fixes

    added icon images for clothing and characters, changed title music, fixed kido, changed projectile sound for getsuga tenshou for Ichigo's swoosh.

    In next few days adding in Ichigo's new outfit and making his icon images, Also putting in Chad with his two attacks, Orihime and her weapon, and Ishida's outfit, also including multiple status effects for different weapons to fit bleach theme, and putting in Kensai Muguruma, and Vice Captain Hisagi with their respective weapons, as well as the arrancar Halibel... Hisagi's shikai will be very interesting to say the least! :D

    Also a lot more Hakudo, Bakudo, Kido with special effects like restrain, paralyze, slow, multiple projectile, etc...

    I also forgot to put in Nel's sword in this one so will add it this weekend!

    Gonna throw in some bleach items for the background and maybe do some re interfacing of certain menu's and stuff in game for a more in depth theme.

    Hopefully by then I will have tier classes finished, and changing recipes for weapons and making it a bit more challenging to get, trying to really balance everything out and still polish stuff up.
    Tihimoto and DragoonIII like this.
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