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Outdated Biologically-Correct Torsos v0.2.5 (Tiers 1+2 & AVF)

Do birds, fish and plants really need, uh, those?

  1. Time for version 0.2!

    First update, woo! Here's the changelog:
    • Compatibility with Furious Koala.
    • Avian, Floran and Hylotl chargen icons, starter clothing and Tier 1 and 2 armour are done now. May need further edits... we'll see.
    • Refined the base body sprites. Might tweak them a bit more, I'm still not quite happy with the Florans.
    • Made all sprite sheets PNG8 instead of 32, which shrank file sizes by 50-80%. It helps that Fireworks' PNG compression rate surpasses Photoshop's :geek:
    • For anyone interested, I've added a section on the mod page for future ideas.

    Hope everything's to your satisfaction! If something doesn't look right, tell me and I'll do my best to fix it. :catface:
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