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Base In A Box 2.0.12

Deploy instant base modules from placeable objects.

  1. 2.0 is here at last!

    It's finally here and there'll be a tutorial video soon.

    * Duplicator no longer empties containers
    * Objects remember their facing once again
    * Science Station UI now uses the modern, tabbed window style
    * Area Consumer added
    * Recipe for Horizontal Sliding Door added
    * Novakid descriptions added to items with racial descriptions
    * Prefab modules fixed
    * Prefab modules updated and given unique icons
    * Prefab modules remember their name + description + icon if placed and picked up again
    * Upgradable crafting tables remember their upgrade level after printing
    * Objects using "objectBreakDrop" are now destroyed properly
    * Extender item added for wiring larger scan areas
    * Print/scan area has its chunks force loaded before operations
    * Saplings can now be printed without corrupting the planet
    * Monsters/animals in the print area are killed once again
    * Printer no longer drops existing blocks/objects in the area before printing (for performance reasons)
    * Liquids are now copied
    * Printers can now be scanned and printed - PRINTCEPTION
    * Fixed the close button on the Blue Knight arcade cabinet's UI
    * New Scanner Console item uses a custom UI to set scan/print options (including exporting blueprints to starbound.log)
    * JSON output now includes descriptions, icon and generates a unique name
    * JSON output is much more compact and includes clearer instructions
    * Printers show their icon when placed in the world

    Old printers should still work, though there's no guarantee that they'll work with PRINTCEPTION. If you're a modder and your objects aren't scanned/printed properly, get in touch because there's a lua function you can implement to ensure clean printing.
    Solzucht and Zlyvr like this.
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