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Outdated Ballistic Knives Stable

Adds both single use "throwable" Ballistic Knives, and "gun" versions.

  1. Ariskelis
    My first real mod that adds anything! Yay! HAVE SOME BACKSTORY. So, I was bored, poking around in the game files. I saw throwing knives, and thought, "Hell, I'm gonna add BALLISTIC knives! Because WHY NOT!" and so it was. Fire Positioning took the most time. Urrghhh. Also I apologize for the terrible sprites. Me = not an artist.

    Both disposable, one-use knives and "gun" versions that have more than one use! Yay!

    As of right now, I only bothered to make 1 of each sprite for the gun version, meaning there's only one possible look for them right now. I'll add more later. Meh. There's also only one knife type. I might add more, like a poisoned blade or something later.
    I ranged the gun version's damage so that their lowest is below that of a pistol's, and their highest is above that of a pistol's. They have a fire rate of between 0.5 and 1.0, let me know if that needs changing. I also haven't added a treasurepool yet. Right now, you can spawn one in admin mode with /spawngun (level) ballisticknife

    I tried to make the throwable versions slightly more powerful than normal throwing daggers. Lemme know if they're not any more powerful or if they're too much more powerful. Idunno how the game scales dem little values yet.

    Craft the throwable versions at a metalwork station with one steel bar and a gunpowder. This yields 3. Let me know if I should change something about that.
    Starbound playa likes this.

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  1. Treasurepools!

Recent Reviews

  1. Doctor Headshot
    Doctor Headshot
    Version: Stable
    Seems good so far!
    1. Ariskelis
      Author's Response
      Yay! Have any specific suggestions? I might get around to adding a treasurepool sometime today.