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Outdated Avian Tech Mk.2 Avian Tech Mk.2.4

Crystal harmonics for a better tommorrow.

  1. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: Avian Tech Mk.2.4
    Nice indeed!
  2. GTG3000
    Version: Avian Tech Mk.2.2
    I really enjoy the idea of craftable avian tech, which would reveal all the more about them (and let them at least look different). Of course, that would require a bigger overhaul, and, at some point, separation of technology between the races, but this mod is an exellent beginning on that way.
    1. Ulluses
      Author's Response
      I might do some of the other races at some point. Who knows?
  3. Dashpenguin
    Version: Avian Tech Mk.1.4
    I really like the concept of this so to call "bow". You pull the stick-arrow-thing back and then the force and speed of the stick colliding with the little gem makes a energy blast! Really neat!
    1. Ulluses
      Author's Response
      Hey I'm currently working on the last bow for this set, I'm then moving onto a small set of one handed spears.
  4. Rukrio
    Version: Avian Tech Mk1.1
    the concept is good and you should feel good. i'mma go try it now.
    1. Ulluses
      Author's Response
      Cheers, have fun landing trick shots. :)