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Outdated Avian Tech Mk.2 Avian Tech Mk.2.4

Crystal harmonics for a better tommorrow.

  1. Ulluses
    This mod is focused around the crystal harmonic technology of the Avian race in-game. I am aiming for a lot of this to be self contained and balanced while being as compatible as possible.

    So far there is a full set of pulse bows to use that fire kinetic waves instead of arrows, great for trick shots and high-movement combat. The bows themselves will be re-evaluated as the technology gets more filled out but for now everyone can make them from the start and they use simple resources.

    The future of the mod is aimed for a range of weapons, tools and devices made using crystal harmonics with components crafted by the player but for now they use normal every day resources instead of components. The completion of the bow set (which contains four tiers these being: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10) I am moving onto a set of one handed spears and then I will begin to create craft-able components to make more advanced technology.

    Part of Team Pioneer.

    This mod is compatible with:
    Tabula Rasa

    Special Thanks to:
    Sabboth for helping me start.
    SmartBadger for helping.
    KillerGardevoir for helping.
    GTG3000 for helping.


    1. avianbowtech.png
    2. ATscreen1.png
    3. ATscreen2.png
    4. IronPulseBow.png
    5. PulseBow.png
    6. SilverPulseBow.png
    7. TitaniumPulseBow.png
    8. ImperviumPulseBow.png
    9. AmplitiveSpear.png
    10. CrystallineSpear.png
    11. HarmonicSpear.png
    12. ResonantSpear.png
    13. SonorantSpear.png

Recent Reviews

  1. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: Avian Tech Mk.2.4
    Nice indeed!
  2. GTG3000
    Version: Avian Tech Mk.2.2
    I really enjoy the idea of craftable avian tech, which would reveal all the more about them (and let them at least look different). Of course, that would require a bigger overhaul, and, at some point, separation of technology between the races, but this mod is an exellent beginning on that way.
    1. Ulluses
      Author's Response
      I might do some of the other races at some point. Who knows?
  3. Dashpenguin
    Version: Avian Tech Mk.1.4
    I really like the concept of this so to call "bow". You pull the stick-arrow-thing back and then the force and speed of the stick colliding with the little gem makes a energy blast! Really neat!
    1. Ulluses
      Author's Response
      Hey I'm currently working on the last bow for this set, I'm then moving onto a small set of one handed spears.
  4. Rukrio
    Version: Avian Tech Mk1.1
    the concept is good and you should feel good. i'mma go try it now.
    1. Ulluses
      Author's Response
      Cheers, have fun landing trick shots. :)