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Outdated Avian Missionary Class Cruiser v 1.5 (Upbeat Giraffe)

A ship that was used to spread the word of Kluex throughout the stars. (Upgradable!)

  1. Giraffes and Space Birds Become Friends. (Upbeat Giraffe)

    -Added Tier 5.
    -Updated the ship to work with the current stable build. (Upbeat Giraffe)
    -Removed some odd changes that turned out to not be needed for future upgrades. Like that staircase to the cockpit.
    -Tier 5 is now a place holder for Tiers 6 - 8.
    -Some of the T5 art is not fully detailed (mostly the beak), I wanted to push something out so people can use the mod with the current stable build.
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