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Outdated ArmorView ALPHA 0.4

A quick and dirty program for previewing armor outside of the game! ALPHA RELEASE

  1. Pixelguru26
    Version: 0.4
    I didn't manage to get it working when I downloaded this, but that led me on to actually look into Love2D, and I can't thank you enough for that. Great tool, got me into functional game development, I'd say you've earned your 6-star rating very well
  2. Standing_Tough
    Version: 0.4
    Man you NEED to keep working on this, its helping me so much with making my animated series.
    Thank you for making this.
  3. Josh_the_Misanthrope
    Version: 0.4
    This is helping me A LOT in designing equipment. Save much time vs. compiling and logging onto a character every minor adjustment.
  4. Mackinz
    Version: 0.4
    This tool is fantastic! Only problem is that development has seemed to stall. But it is perfectly useable and makes development of clothing and race mods that much easier!
  5. xyifer12
    Version: 0.4
    Seems to work well, but it says that my computer does not support shaders, even though i use shaders often.
  6. Motionless
    Version: 0.4
    Very rough state right now obviously, however this has soooo much potential and could be very useful to modders. This saves a lot of time, opposed to fiddling in game to check for graphical bugs. With a bit more work and polishing I would use this religiously.

    Please continue with this!
  7. Shadewarp
    Version: 0.1
    Wonderful tool! Thank you! Will make modding a lot easier! I can't however get the program to show my mods frontsleeve for some reason, the backsleeve shows fine ... any idea why ?
    1. Dielji
      Author's Response
      My bad! I broke it with the last thing I fixed :P Uploading an update now.