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Outdated Armor Stand Table Enraged Koala 0.2.2

Craft armor stands with your favorite armors on! Races suported: All Vanilla & Avali

  1. Simply uploading to the servers here

    Not working on mods for Starbound anymore, but here are the files :)
  2. Split Avali from the main races due to incompatability

    Changelog v. Enraged Koala 0.2.2
    * Split up the avali mod, as it would require everyone wanting to use the mod to have the avali installed.
    * The avali can be downloaded from the overview page at Avali
    * Just drag and drop the folder into mods

    Sorry for the mistake! If you already have the avali installed, you won't need to download until the avali part is edited!
  3. Avali armor stands added!

    Changelog v. Enraged Koala 0.2.1
    * All current avali armors added

  4. Compatibility with Enraged Koala

    Changelog v. Enraged Koala 0.2.0
    * Compatibility with Enraged Koala
  5. Bugfix for Generic armors

    Armor Stand Table v. Furious Koala 0.1.4
    * Bugfix - Generic armors wasn't available!
    Thanks to @darkone253

    Let me know if it still doesn't work after this one - remember to delete the folder before adding this one.
  6. ALL Vanilla armors done - Apex, floran and avian tier 1-10 added!

    Armor Stand Table v. Furious Koala 0.1.3
    * Added apex tier 1-10
    * Added floran tier 1-10
    * Added avian tier 1-10

    This concludes ALL Vanilla races armors!
  7. Hylotl tier 1-10 and bugfix for glitch tier3!

    Armor Stand Table v. Furious Koala 0.1.2
    * Added hylotl tier 1-10
    * Fixed Mglitchtier3armorstand recipe (was named wrong in the recipe)
  8. ALL human & glitch tiers added! Fully colored armors!

    (Trying again, as people were getting 404 error)

    Armor Stand Table v. Furious Koala 0.1.1
    * All armors are fully colored with the correct colors! (A-ma-gawd!)
    * Added human tier 6-10
    * Redid human tier 1-5
    * Added glitch tier 1-10
    * Redid generic armors (armors that apply to all races)
    * All armors are tied into tiers (re-use tech to unlock if you don't see them)

  9. ALL human & glitch tiers done! NOW WITH COLOR!

    Armor Stand Table v. Furious Koala 0.1.1
    * All armors are fully colored with the correct colors! (A-ma-gawd!)
    * Added human tier 6-10
    * Redid human tier 1-5
    * Added glitch tier 1-10
    * Redid generic armors (armors that apply to all races)
    * All armors are tied into tiers (re-use tech to unlock...
  10. Fix for Furious Koala

    Armor Stand Table v. Furious Koala 0.1.0
    * Fix for Furious Koala, everything should work
    * Removed learning human tier1 armor stand from picking up the chest piece until I get the time to bugfix

    During the next couple of weeks, I'll slowly get the other races armors implemented - been working hard on my Grey's mod, but I haven't forgotten this!