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Arm Cannons 1.0.1, Pleased Giraffe

Adds randomly generated, chargeable arm cannons to the game.

  1. Tier 6 craftable, and some minor balance,

    There are now 5 types of arm cannon.
    The four rarities, and the craftable version.
    The craftable version costs 3 diamonds, 5 core fragments, and 5 erchius crystals, as well as 2 of each end-game metal bar. It has highly random stats compared to the natural spawning ones, and will always have random ammo types. Crafted at the Replicator (scifianvil).

    Starting work on making Legendaries have non-random ammo types, but I need to design at least four to six more projectiles specifically for them.

    Also tweaked the damage stats down a little since they were stronger than many two-handed guns, and upped the accuracy so they'll be less sloppy.

    Currently thinking about changing the fire-sound and muzzle flash but I haven't found the right replacements.
    DarknessLilly likes this.
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