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Apex Hoverbike 2.4

A purely cosmetic hoverbike alternative

  1. 2.0 the it-probably-works update.

    The bike should now work in stable - it can be created with the following commands :

    /spawnvehicle apexhoverbike
    /spawnitem apexhoverbikecontroller
    There are currently no legitimate ways to attain the vehicle through gameplay.

    New Features :
    Removed some normal hover-bike features : no headlights, no horn
    Added damage states
    Added custom tesla coil animation and code
    Added custom wreckage particles and animation
    Added custom warp in animation in style of original
    Added vehicle controller item
    Added passenger seat
    Made some visual tweaks to background and foreground images.
    Caffeine is now given co-credit as an author

    Next release should include legitimate means of attaining the bike, as well as a collection of files including b-side artwork and a vehicle-agnostic warp in animation (useful for other modders)

    Thanks for your patience while the mod was obsolete.
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