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Outdated After Alien Invasion [Discontinued] 0.10

Step by Step a complex addition

  1. Changelog 0.09

    ########## CHANGELOG 0.09 ##########
    After Alien Invasion
    by FiesesAlien (aka DasFieseAlien // Narsiph)

    - Changed how to produce the Hilti. Now you need to make the Main Machine and a Impact Hammer.
    - Added different Tiered Alloys (Steel, Platinum, Titan, Diamond and Vanadium) from T2 to T6
    of the 'Modern Timeline'.
    - Added different Tiered Impact Hammers (Steel to Vanadium)
    - Added GermicidePatch (Heals slightly more then the normal Patch) ~100 HP over 60 Seconds
    - Added AntibioticsPatch (Heals slightly more then the Germicide Patch) ~110 HP over 60 Seconds
    - Added Ferrofluid (Used to produce Medicine)
    - Added Titaniumoxide (Used to produce Medicine)
    - Fix/Added that you can now produce Unclean Oil out of Coal and unrefinedWood
    - Added Materials (like Antibiotics etc.) to work with

    - Switched back to TXT-Files. Iam honest to you: I dont like to make a PDF, thats too much to do every time. Yeah, call me lazy :)

    Whats coming up next?

    In 0.10 i will focus completely on pixel arts that every in-game item has it own icon. Also the Ores will be reworked in 'artistic' way so that there are more differences then only 1 design.

    Have fun exploring!
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