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Outdated Aeroponics 1.2b

Adds aeroponics tanks; chance for plants to drop seeds; biofuel for your ship; glycerol.

  1. I can see my face!

    Sorry for the long hiatus. I am the primary caregiver to young children and this year has been rocky. Enough about that. I started playing the game again this week as I had time again, and started fixing up the mods I had been working on.

    This update has been tested thoroughly (every, single, recipe... don't ask about how long it took to get the seeds. I finally just made a treasurepool for my ship for the last 5 seeds.) It should be pretty polished, let me know if you find a bug or more. Updates to this version are as follows:

    1. A few posters here were right, the update did break the .pak file system for a while. I was not aware. Have removed the old version .pak file I was using. I like my files open anyway. New file upload is a zip... unzip and the aeroponics folder in your mods folder.

    2. The update also did something to my fix for the polymer, I have fixed it, again. Polymer is once again in game at the crafting table. I created a new character to verify you could get all recipes. My old character was able to get them also.

    3. Grapes and yellow flower seeds were not crushing. Fixed spelling errors in files.

    4. Fixed spelling errors not allowing 2 of the flowers and mushrooms to drop seeds. Also changed mushrooms seed name to be compatible with Gardenbot. I really love that mod. I had an idea of doing something like it, then found Gardenbot. Part of the last few days have been spent collecting seeds and making bots just to test compatibility.

    5. Added biofuel canister because of abdula321's suggestion. I was (and after a week playing with Gardenbot and this, still AM) happy with the balance. Seeds add up fast. I do want to play with Starfoundry myself, too, so fixed the issue for the generators with a new canister rather than change the barrels. All recipes add up to 1 seed == 5 fuel. I still think this is a bit generous. 1 veg oil == 1 canister == 100 fuel for the generators.

    6. Again, after a day the seeds added up on the ship now that you don't have to be near them for them to grow. Removed the reduced growing times.

    7. Still, overnight... had about 1k of most seeds. This got tedious doing one oil at a time. Added recipes for large batches. 200 seeds == 10 veg oil. 50 veg oil == 50 canisters. 100 veg oil == 10 barrels.

    8. Last, because it seemed like it might be needed sometime... recipes to get canisters from barrels and vice versa. 1 barrel == 10 canisters. 10 cannisters == 1 barrel.

    EDIT: I noticed after uploading that the molotovs still don't work. I had forgotten I even made them until I reread comments. So... almost polished. Will fix in a soonish update.

    Enjoy :) Hope you have fun.
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