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Outdated Aeroponics 1.2b

Adds aeroponics tanks; chance for plants to drop seeds; biofuel for your ship; glycerol.

  1. Aeroponics 1.1 - just bugfixes

    • Changed the typo in a filename causing polymer recipe not to show up on pickup of copperore. It previously said copperbar. Copperore was the intention.
    • Removed campfire sound and particles from machines. Unintended leftovers from base files.
    • Decided not to rebalance at this time. May look into this later. Please do not request rebalancing if you are using the default growtimes version. That version is just for compatibility with other mods that change grow time. If you don't use another mod which changes grow time, or if you wish to review the mod, please make sure you are using the correct file.
    dawnstorme likes this.
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