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Outdated Advanced Weaponizer 5-13-14

Five million weapons and counting!

  1. Fixing bugs n' things

    All Mega Buster projectiles should now be able to deal damage. Seems projectiles don't do damage with "damageType" : "hitTest" or something like that.

    Aperture Cores, added in the previous update, have been added to treasure pools.
  2. Three million swords, and then some!

    Mouse, don't die on me now...
    Hybrid Broadswords have been added, with over THREE MILLION different combinations! I'm not sure why, but each hybrid weapon type just gets more complex than the last one!

    In addition, a new elemental melee attack has been added: Ice! Similar to the ice bolts in uncommon Crossbows, ice attacks slow enemies down. This was added to compliment an Ice Mallet weapon type which will appear in a future update. Frying Pans, Candy Canes, and all Hybrid...
    EpicNomming, misterwho and Otata like this.
  3. Guns n' Hammers

    Added Hybrid Hammers, with even more variety than the spears!
    Added Flare Guns inspired by Team Fortress 2.

    The Hybrid Spear Generator is now a generic Hybrid Weapon Generator and can generate any type of hybrid weapon (currently only Spears and Hammers, since only those exist so far.)

    Frying Pans were modified to have 15 color palettes and can have elemental effects.