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Why pick human?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shminx, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. coldReactive

    coldReactive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Then how about I be your dinner? :3c
  2. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    ...I wonder if tagging works on all Xen Foro forums...Apparently not. I'll call Kistaria.
  3. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Eh, really all you need is a primitive torch and you can set them on fire with relative ease.
  4. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    Implying that they don't steal your torch or have one themselves.
  5. KoedGaming

    KoedGaming Star Wrangler

    Only if I get to raid your village first!
  6. FoxBLU

    FoxBLU Phantasmal Quasar

    I can easily immerse playing as a human.
  7. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero

    Too bad there aren't alot of humans worth their salt then, no?
    You do know that living plant matter is quite fire resistant, right? So much for your human education.
  8. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    I am worth my salt, and I carry a C02 laser in my pocket just to not be eaten by florans.
  9. KoedGaming

    KoedGaming Star Wrangler

    I'm going to have to eat you for that disrespectful remark.
  10. KoedGaming

    KoedGaming Star Wrangler

    Aww... look at the little human, trying to be tough. You aren't guarded.... when you're sleeping...
  11. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Because Terran rule, thats why.

    Okay, in all seriousness, humans aren't all that boring, infact we can be pretty darn cool, especially in a futuristic sci-fi setting for crying out loud.
  12. FoxBLU

    FoxBLU Phantasmal Quasar

    >everyone one having at who the better race is

    Iveryke likes this.
  13. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero

    Oh please, don't point your glorified flashlight at me, I am so frightened.
  14. Stylµs

    Stylµs Phantasmal Quasar

    Because some of us like to attempt to play as ourselves. I can't relate to overly colourful flower creatures or hideous fish-things.. I guess it's easier when you're younger, but for me; I like the simplicity and reality of the generic Human race. Not saying the other races aren't cool though, (I'll probably have a Glitch as an alt.)
  15. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Theres just as many reasons to play as human as they're to play as the other races. Its all about personal preference.
    Stylµs likes this.
  16. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    ...*activates headset* Guys, reactivate the artillery. Objective is a yellow skinned, green leafed floran with a purple flower of small size and a pink skinned redhead floran. Yeah, set that thing to unconcentratd obliteration.
  17. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero

    Of course, yet the humans are in a bit of a peculiar spot seeing as they are what we are when AFK. Some see games as an escape from reality and can't comprehend why others would play as humans when you experience the life of a human every day. Others like playing as humans because they feel they can relate somehow, others play games from a purely mechanical standpoint and don't really care. Personally, I find the subject interesting because it gives you insight into the mind of the gamer.
    Stylµs likes this.
  18. coldReactive

    coldReactive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll make sure to keep you in mind ;)
  19. Gaeniel

    Gaeniel Void-Bound Voyager


    Farewell florans.
  20. budsygus

    budsygus Pangalactic Porcupine

    Humans are kind of the "safe bet" in a lot of games. It's usually guaranteed they won't be over- or under-powered, they'll have a good balance of most skills/techs, and they're frequently seen as the most adaptable race. Most of that is probably borne of the inevitable narcissism that causes us to think we, as humans, are awesome. Obviously for play-balance reasons there's little chance a game would cast humans in the light of "puny hairless meat-sacks" whose strength and intelligence is far outshined by even the dimmest and least adept underling from any other race, even though this is a likely scenario were humans to make contact with another civilization.

    Our planet's mass and, thus, gravity isn't particularly impressive so our physical strength and prowess would likely pale when compared to other races. Our technology has been driven largely by our need to make life a less taxing experience and to escape from reality, neither of which would readily lend itself to intimidating those who have pushed into the stars. Our physiology leaves our most vital organs protected by nothing more than a brittle bone structure whose defensive capabilities are further degraded by our diet of sugar and fat; a one-inch dermal penetration in any of a dozen places can leave us crippled or dead. Our visual acuity is reduced to nil in anything but the most favorable of lighting conditions. Our near-constant need for nourishment and hydration means we can only survive if our food and water sources are abundant and easily accessible. The divisive and clan-oriented nature of our society would create infighting and competition which would further impede our ability to defend ourselves from other, more unified races. This all speaks nothing of our chemical dependencies on alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, and other more illicit substances. All in all, humans are falsely built up as a true competitor in most games when the reality is most likely that we would be defenseless in a universe such as that depicted in Starbound, relying solely on our cunning and underhandedness to ingratiate ourselves with other species far more well-suited to survival.

    But, yeah, I think I'll probably play as Human though.

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