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Why is Tiy changing things we were promised? (Also, why our money is sort of evaporating)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sishio, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. Bine

    Bine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I see nothing wrong with the first example. Hes basically saying 'an example is beta in 2013.' He doesnt comment that release wont be 2013. Now Bartwe's comment is the one I would look at more closely if I were you.

    Also, i wouldnt complain much. I would rather this crap over PR speak.
  2. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Well, honestly, since Starbound has only been in development for 1 and a half years, I'd say that Chucklefish should push back the release date to 2014, or even 2015, so that thy feel comfortable about pushing the game out. They've probably made a mistake to say that the game will be released in 2013, but they probably did that for the sake of not disappointing their fans. I think starbound needs more development time, and pushing the release date back even further would definitely help chucklefish give out a more solid release date as well as a beta date.
    RedScarWolf likes this.
  3. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    You guys...the game is almost done, there's no way it's going to be released in 2014+ , unless they suddenly decide they want to make it 3D.
  4. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Eh. I still sorta wish that the beta could at least be released in 2014, since Tiy wanted to make the game as polished as possible before pushing out a working beta though.
  5. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

    Sorry - no it doesn't.

    Let's look at some recently released AAA titles.
    - Planetside 2, 2012 - $50 million
    - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, 2011 - $85 million
    - Borderlands 2, 2012 - $30-35 million
    - EA spent $100 million (!) on advertising Battlefield 3, 2011 (that doesn't include development costs + new engine)

    AAA games cost a lot more to make and market than Starbound.
  6. Greatblackshark

    Greatblackshark Cosmic Narwhal

  7. house444

    house444 Zero Gravity Genie

    have you seen the way Tiy acts? We'er gonna be lucky if the games beta gets released in the next 15 years and he doesn't get offended between those 15 years and he jsut drops this game and takes the money claiming we hurt his feelings"frownyface".
  8. 13SithDeceiver13

    13SithDeceiver13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'd just like to point out some things that I have gathered from the thread.

    I've seen 2 views on what the thread is about.

    • Clarification
    I believe that this is the OP's view. He asked for a response from the devs to clarify whether or not the release is 2013, (Personally I have not seen any indication that the release is not 2013.) and how long the beta will be. I think we could all use some clarification so these types of threads can decrease somewhat.
    • Demanding Concrete Release Date
    Some may think that this thread is asking for a specific release date. This isn't the case, at least from the OP's view. What he was asking is below:

    Asking "Does this mean release could be in 2014?" and how long the beta will last is not asking for a specific release date/beta release date.

    Here's some points that people have made:

    • The Roadmap is not entirely accurate, and though it says the game's 75% complete, it can not factor any future complications the devs may face or bugs that can appear when implementing new features/polishing existing features. That 75% could get set back to 50% with bugs, especially if a single bug takes 9 hours to fix. Or it can be set back because one of the devs has to deal with something in the real world, such as marriage, an illness, a family death, etc.

    • Us non-dev forum users don't know specifically how much there is left to do to complete the game, let alone a single feature. While we can get a very rough estimate from the daily updates and Roadmap, we are not sitting in front of Starbound's thousands of lines of code, looking through it, adding new ones, fixing broken ones, removing bad ones. The only people that can give us any time period for release is the devs, and that's still an estimate.

    • The devs have been open with us so far, but really don't have much of an obligation to do so. They are not forced to do daily updates, they did not have to make the Roadmap, they don't really have to respond to us at all. They could go completely dark community-side if they wanted to. Yes that would piss many of us off, but we can always get refunds.

    I wholeheartedly support the devs. I know I'll be getting my money's worth, and unless Tiy himself or another dev says the game is cancelled, I'm not really bothered by any setbacks. Shit happens, whether you like it or not, so I try to deal with it the best I can. This does not mean that I believe the devs can never be at fault. I'm not trying to be a "hugbox." It is completely on them and their fault if they stop being active with the community and/or do not provide clarifications, and generally dismiss the community and our questions in general, but they shouldn't be held by their toes for things they can not control such as dealing with real life and unexpected bugs and errors. I do believe they can be held accountable somewhat for assuring us a 2013 release in the FAQ and Roadmap and such if they release it in 2014 or later, but only to an extent.
    demanrisu likes this.
  9. house444

    house444 Zero Gravity Genie

    your the problem.
  10. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    .... That is because I have actual, real-life things to pre-occupy myself with. Pushing back the release date would allow Chucklefish more time to polish the game, and having more time before starbound releases gives me a lot of free time to study for my classes as well. It's a win-win situation!
  11. futrtrubl

    futrtrubl Cosmic Narwhal

    What the f*@k are you smoking? No really.
    Where the hell did he say it might not be 2013? If anything RECONFIRMED it would be in 2013.
    View attachment 39903
    If you need it translated it means, "If you preorder you get what we promised, eg beta in 2013. You do not get to dictate changes made to the game."
    Also Bartwe said Novakid would not be in beta, exactly what the stretch goal page for the Novakid says
    "this race will be added to the base game and will be playable upon release"

    Do not confuse beta with release. And if you paid any attention to the daily updates Rho's last updates says "each have 7 different descriptions for every race", that would be a description each for the 7 races: Human, Glitch, Hylotl, Avian, Floran, Apex AND NOVAKID.
    medjas likes this.
  12. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    it's "you're", and... you're :rolleyes:
  13. house444

    house444 Zero Gravity Genie

    HUe your pulling a "I have a life so get over it" card? Really? What does that even have to do with this? People are mad because Tiy has gone back on his word, LIED to us several times, and insulted several more, not that we don't have anything to do you idiot. How about you stop mindlessly defending someone you don't even know and start asking why TIy keeps going back on his word multiple times and just brushing it off like its nothing, pretending to not hear the cry of the fans, for once.

    This has nothing to do about your damn life and all to do about professionalism and the fact that Tiy shouldn't be actting like this, AT ALL. Oh and if you feel that you could have better things to do then play starbound or wait for it, maybe you should remember that your arguing on the forums right now, wasting your important time instead of those so important things you talked about. Or just shut up when you have no idea what your talking about.
    Skippy3 likes this.
  14. house444

    house444 Zero Gravity Genie

    hue, thank you.
  15. The game will be out in 2013, the beta will be out in 2013. Novakids are a post-beta feature, not a post-release feature.
    1John5vs7, Speno1, Juxtor and 32 others like this.
  16. house444

    house444 Zero Gravity Genie

    Thank you.
  17. Greatblackshark

    Greatblackshark Cosmic Narwhal

    And like a magic pixie she appears and all is right with the world again.
    WoxandWarf, PSS and KirasiN like this.

  18. Yup! Apologies for letting theories run wild for 11 pages, I just woke up. :zzz:
    Dust, D3RSkully, WoxandWarf and 7 others like this.
  19. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now we can close this thread or others have something to say? Have ended the controversy?

    I hope so and I hope that you will stop clogging up the post on the forum with the beta release.

    Enough with the conspiracies 2014 does not exist
  20. house444

    house444 Zero Gravity Genie

    Glad you arrived when you did.
    Speno1 likes this.
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