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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Theory: Agarans can't use Apex body as Agaran Body Blueprints.
    The Agarans where able to use Avians as a template to make an Agaran ((Restless Sparrow)) but the non-racial description of the Apex Pod suggests that Apex are unlike the Avians and cannot become Agarans.
    SirKaldar likes this.
  2. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Deeply sorry for the double post, but I want to show you guys this.

    All of these in Nightly.

    A weapon found in the mushroom biome.

    Upgraded version of the smashroom.

    Fungus stim applies an unfinished status affect.

    Also provides an unfinished and unidentified status affect.

    All parts of the Wild Fungus set. "They make you smell awful."

    That's about all I could find, for now.
    Cloudhopper, beari78 and Lecic like this.
  3. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Looks like @KingCake may have been right about the mushroom disease...
  4. ValentineVxx

    ValentineVxx Orbital Explorer

    Maybe Big Ape made a deal with the aragans so they could aport guards/shrooms/SporeXsustance to the vegetal experimental apex pods chambers in return of making those shroom stimpacks and potions for them dood!:eek:(that would explain how they are able to capture florans and throw them in a giant cauldrom with lava dood :X)
  5. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    I wonder if the Fungus Stim is meant for us to turn ourselves intentionally into Agarans, which would somehow allow us to understand the Agaran Language and infiltrate their society for short periods of time? If so, the Shroom Remedy could be a possible cure for the condition.
  6. swagnumsdaboSS

    swagnumsdaboSS Void-Bound Voyager

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  7. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    YES! Badass infiltration time!
  8. MilkCalf

    MilkCalf Supernova

    It's not like it can go horribly wrong and you get brainwashed.
    MysticMalevolence and beari78 like this.
  9. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    If we get brainwashed, we'll just take the cure. :rolleyes: Obviously.
    beari78 likes this.
  10. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    All the Fungus Armors are actually unrelated, I think. They are from Wilderness Biomes, not Mushroom Biomes.
    beari78 and Cloudhopper like this.
  11. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    I'm still suspicious about the Fungus Stim, though. I'd advise we all be extra careful with these things. :cautious:
    MilkCalf and beari78 like this.
  12. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Fungus stim and Fungus Remedy still have the potential to be tied to the Agarans.
    MilkCalf and beari78 like this.
  13. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    I'm gonna eat it
  14. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Good call.
  15. Jack_Kéther

    Jack_Kéther Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    why so mutch trouble let them free and happy ! :)

    beari78 likes this.
  16. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    That was what we were saying, except for "kill the Floran" but this recent development is of interest.
  17. MasterDrakus

    MasterDrakus Big Damn Hero

    For the holy will of the emperor we shall call the inquisition
  18. LethalShade

    LethalShade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Ordo Malleus has sent us to aid you. Let the purgation begin.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
    c2h5oc2h5 likes this.
  19. The Squid

    The Squid Oxygen Tank

    Maybe the agarans are just florans who took the fungus stim and it went horribly wrong resulting in them turning into agarans.
  20. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Cloudhopper likes this.

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