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Starbound PVP Stream

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Bacon, May 6, 2013.

  1. Heya.

    :paper: So Tiy just made a new Stream after the Valley One with Molly. It seems incomplete Stuff. Where some things as shown mainly:
    - PVP, a basic one with shields and melee (note shields aren't complete and they are cheating with admin stuff ON)
    - You can Travel with Friends in your Ship!
    - First time we saw a Character Dying. (a mad not finished explosion of blood min24)
    - The Mumble Guys speaking are Drunk.

    Part 1: (Go to the 10MIN Mark, to Skip the Black Screen)


    I added in Youtube because I know some people are troubled with Twitch Version, it's madness. :rolleyes:

    You can check Twitch Video here: http://twitch.tv/tiyuri/b/399888836
  2. Teih

    Teih Sandwich Man

    I really hope the shields will have some sort of response to being hit.

    Here it looks like they are simply hitting through them.

    It's probably work in progress. I'm just saying.
    Bacon likes this.
  3. Yes it is work in progress, Tiy said that wasn't working like he asked for! They will have some different effect on projectile hit.
    Khood likes this.
  4. VoidFusion

    VoidFusion Contact!

    This will probably clear the "WHAT HAPPENED ON TIY'S STREAM SKJDHFSKHFHSF" nonsense. Either way, it's very useful. Thanks!
    Bacon likes this.
  5. M0du5

    M0du5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They have only recently implemented shields; it's very unlikely that they are finished. Recoil would be really nice--like the sword and shield could both have an animation where they bounce back.
    Bacon, x6snake6x and Teih like this.
  6. Reimburst

    Reimburst Zero Gravity Genie

    Shields are what Bartwe's been working on in his streams as recently as yesterday - you're absolutely right, I think.
    Bacon likes this.
  7. There's something in the behavior and effects with projectiles that isn't working like they want. But the shields are that, they don't move you just use them and block attacks while you have energy. :p
  8. Teih

    Teih Sandwich Man

    So you are saying that there won't be a recoil animation (in melee)?

    That's really too bad.
    Bacon likes this.
  9. Sordak

    Sordak Void-Bound Voyager

    wew they realy gotta work on that.
    there needs to be more of a sense of impact there.
    Bacon likes this.
  10. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    The people in mumble constantly make me face-palm.
    Anyways, cool stream had to mute the video though.
  11. Who are the mumble guys? They aren't forum users never saw them
  12. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    Don't know never gave it any second thought. Most of the time during streams I mute if there is a lot of mumble chatter so I don't really pay attention to it. Some of them use the Forums though I'm sure.
    Bacon likes this.
  13. Din

    Din Aquatic Astronaut

    Is it me or does the shield/melee gameplay seem very reminiscent of Adventure of Link?
  14. On one of Bart's stream, i clearly remember seeing some kind of recoil for the shield, while being hit. It was of course work in progress, and dunno if it will be present in the retail version (i doubt it won't be, but who knows...) :3

    Oh and the problem with shield and gun, as Tiy said in the stream, is that gun projectiles are not stopped by the shield : the shield absorb the damage like it should, but the projectile keep going and hit the back of the player (at some point in the stream, you can see the hitbox of the shield. It don't cover all the player hitbox, cause else you wouldn't be able to "backstab" someone blocking with a shield). He add that the projectiles will be killed should they hit the shield while it's blocking.
    The other "bug" is that while you block, if you shoot with a gun, it switch from block pose to shoot pose then back to block pose at every shoot (might have some kind of cooldown before re-enabling the block pose).
    Thanel and Bacon like this.
  15. CyberDog

    CyberDog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    was it just me or did anyone else notice the fuel thing in the first part?
    Bacon likes this.
  16. The fuel were already revealed in other stream, what was new for me it's we can travel with friends and are not kicked to our ships :alien:
    Loyalsoul and Khood like this.
  17. M0du5

    M0du5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It will be interesting to see what we have to do to get back to our ships after hitching a ride with someone else. It would be hilarous if we could get stranded and had to build another.
    supasammy and Bacon like this.
  18. T-Rex

    T-Rex Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Bacon likes this.
  19. We could all see in this stream how Tiy seduce women : by showering them with weapons :3
    Thanel and Bacon like this.
  20. CyberDog

    CyberDog Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, i don't watch many streams.
    Bacon likes this.

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