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Starbound PVP Stream

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Bacon, May 6, 2013.

  1. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    Did we just see a player die? Or did she just leave?
    Bacon likes this.
  2. I also noticed that, that may be why they don't show it. It's a explosion of blood! lol
    AlphaMongoose likes this.
  3. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    Please don't include the random weird people talking next time.
    Bacon likes this.
  4. Earl Asplund

    Earl Asplund The Number of the Minibeast

    I see the drunk people in the background have picked up the 'Dual Wield Shields' idea XB.
    Bacon and warfaced like this.
  5. Jellykins

    Jellykins Poptop Tamer

    What would be the benefit of dual wielding shields? Just for cheer routines?
    Bacon likes this.
  6. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    Guess what? Not your choice. The devs like hearing the mumble chat. They give some helpful banter at times and tend to help the devs a lot. If the devs grow tired of them, they'll mute them. Now that we got that out of the way, lets return to the actual topic of PvP.
    Bacon, Spaz the Sage, Zical and 3 others like this.
  7. V For Vendetta

    V For Vendetta Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Benefit," you ask, BENEFIT?! There's no need for benefit if you look amazing impenetrable mass that will end all life through poisoning you to death (Dark Souls tactic). Also, some shields could be spiked with a special attack other than blocking! Think of the amazing combinations, even if some may be "dumb!" I loved messing around in Dark Souls, making up strategies that will be funny/fun to use!
    Bacon and StarshiyLeytenant like this.
  8. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    You know whats fun? Two great shields +10... oh god that would be great if they had that for PVP. *U*
    Bacon likes this.
  9. Earl Asplund

    Earl Asplund The Number of the Minibeast

    Exactly. I remember bringing this up on Bartwe's stream while he was working on that armor coding last week, part of the idea stemmed from that SAO episode where the leader of the Blood Oath uses his shield offensively against Kirito. Rather than just being a standard sword-and-shield type of combat, what about a unique niche that involved dual-wielded shields? Both for their boosted defense capabilities that one shield just couldn't do, plus the potential to use them offensively when the defending role isn't needed in that split-second.

    Think about it; a team-vs-team fight, and you have a guy defending you and your squad with two shields, deflecting most of the oncoming barrage, and the moment it lightens up he charges forth, bashing down on the first enemy his shields can get near to, practically stunning them for a little bit, while your team is now free(ish) to return fire! Or a boss battle, where your tank goes super-tank with his pair :p. [/innuendo]
    Bacon likes this.
  10. Frost

    Frost Void-Bound Voyager

    Shield trapping.. never again...
    Bacon likes this.
  11. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    Sorry for making a suggestion your majesty.

    Just thought they sounded really stupid and annoying. They make the video look silly, and it will be bad for customers to see it. imo.

    So go ahead, be nasty about my suggestions, it's not like I care. If you guys don't care how stupid the video looks, thats your opinion.

    Ultimately the video bored me. Many minutes of random idiots blathering into a microphone, while we saw almost nothing of pvp, and what we did see was also completely boring.

    I just hope pvp looks more interesting than shooting someone and causing them to trip once we get to beta.

    Actually I don't even care. Wasn't a big fan of pvp on terraria, doubt I will be for this game either.
    Bacon likes this.
  12. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    Who was the guy who said tie. HE IS NOT TIE
    warfaced and Bacon like this.
  13. Dual Shields it's more a Cheerleader stuff, when I saw them random using them lol.

    PVP with shields and melee doesn't look that fine... Now the normal guns one looks interesting. I always said that "medieval" shields in-game could be replaced by MODs (like shield bubble) that consume energy, that would give more immersion to the game in this aspect.
    warfaced and Shiokuri like this.
  14. warfaced

    warfaced Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey Shio,

    I'm one of the guys who was in the mumble chat during the Stardew Valley and Starbound stream last night. Everyone in the voip is well aware that our presence, loudness, and jokes have drawn ire from a number of people. We've also gotten feedback from people who like the playful banter over a stark silent stream as well as some of the questions we brought up during the Stardew Valley broadcast. I, personally, like listening to both sides. Constructive, negative feedback can be just as useful to know what not to do as positive feedback can be to know what we're doing right.

    Humor is pretty subjective. One viewer might find our playful banter amusing; another might find it droll, disappointing, and ear grating. You have to understand that most of the people in mumble are a random bunch with random sets of personalities, just like the twitch chat and IRC. I like to think we do the best we can with what we have to keep people entertained and informed (we were able to ask ConcernedApe, the developer of Stardew Valley, a number of questions posted directly from the twitch chat and from ourselves about the game during the earlier stream).

    As for the PvP part, you should be happy Tiy streams Starbound at all. He doesn't have to, but when he does, he tends to do it in bits and pieces, so I can understand why you might feel the vid was lightweight for your tastes. It was late for him where he is and he had just spent about 2.5 hours streaming Stardew Valley prior so he may have been very tired. I'm completely thankful that Tiy lets us talk at all in the stream on his server and his dollar for my part, and as such, I don't want listeners to feel like what we're talking about is "stupid" and "annoying" to them. If you have any complaint with what we're saying in the stream, just tell me here or in twitch chat when he's streaming. I'll listen and respond to what you or anyone else has to say, so long as it's constructive.

    P.S. Also, we were completely hammered as bacon rightfully says. They had a mini-bar in the mumble lobby yesterday, and we couldn't resist :D.

    TL;DR Version - I'm from the mumble. We understand there are people who don't like our style of talking and humor. If you didn't, please let me know with some constructive feedback on how to improve.
  15. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    When Tiy does decide to let you 'speak' over the Stream try a little harder to sound less like fan-girls falling over each other trying to get a word in edge wise to who is more right about the game and where it's development is/should at/go. It's distracting and takes away from the people that want to watch the Stream and experience the gameplay as is. Hence muting the volume. You weren't talking over on some personal channel of your own you were smack dab right on top of the people trying to watch and LISTEN to a game.

    If you want to talk over it be more constructive with the things you say, not just randomly popping in to try and make a witty comment. That's what the Forums are for. :p

    Edit: Would also like to add if you really want to talk about the Mumble bits and stuff, which wasn't the real highlight of the Stream, you can start a private conversation with people that respond. Shouldn't take away from the Topic of the Thread being the PVP. No point in a major side conversation about something that doesn't apply to everyone.
    Bacon, warfaced and Shiokuri like this.
  16. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    Thanks for being such a respectable person.
    I just found it to be unprofessional, I am used to listening to the big and famous people on youtube who are able to make something even more interesting.
    From you mumblers, I found it to be more of... you guys talking to eachother, and less of trying to "talk to" the audience.

    Plus I don't really mind if Tiy never streams. I only watch game footage if it has a very good commentary, otherwise it bores me.
    I mean, I am interested in Starbound, but I don't want to watch his streams unless the commentary actually pulls me in and interests me.
    I suppose you guys do have your own sense of humor, but my main suggestions would be to cut down on the amount people (most good stream/video commentaries have only 1 or 2 people), and to sound more "professional" (I don't know how to describe it).

    But yeah, cutting the amount of people to 1 or 2 is a biggy.
    Bacon, warfaced and Quantum like this.
  17. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    I agree with you, although you have definitely worded it a lot more harshly. :rofl:
    Bacon likes this.
  18. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    He wanted honesty. Wasn't trying to be harsh I'm no good with subtly.
    Don't get me wrong it may have gotten better towards the end but I couldn't listen to them for more than a few minutes.
    Bacon, Shiokuri and warfaced like this.
  19. joshmusic95

    joshmusic95 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Haha Bacon, I was just watching this video earlier snooping around for the latest videos and boom here you are
    Bacon likes this.
  20. warfaced

    warfaced Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    One of the big problems we also have is more and more people start joining the mumble as the stream picks up in popularity => More voices => More randomness and voices fighting to get on top of each other. To the point that I can't even tell who's talking and I can SEE everyone who's talking in the mumble menu :rofl:. I'll have to talk with some of the more frequent mumblr's about how to fix that and keeping the general direction of the conversation on track.

    We like to keep it casual. I guess it's just too casual as it stands, though. I watch the Twitch chat, so if the mumble starts going off on a tangent or if you have any questions for us or an idea of where we should go with the conversation, say so in the chat and *hopefully* I will see it if it isn't getting bombarded by, like, 10 twitch posts a second.

    You want us to sound more Total Biscuit-like, per-say? I can't make any promises about the above two points b/c A. everyone in the mumble has a different threshold of what's "professional" for them and B. it's a public server so anyone with a mumble can join. Maybe the devs can make like a public "private" room for most people to talk about whatever in, and an access-restricted "stream" room that only known, verified talkers can come into, and that is limited to something like 4-5 ppl max capacity at a time? Right now there's just two channels - the "Devs" channel which is devs only and the "No Pants Club" which are the people you hear in the stream. Having an actual, professional commentator would be nifty to have as well.

    Yeah, if anyone reading this sees this and felt annoyed at the mumble, feel free to PM me any concerns about it. This is prolly the last post I'll put in this thread.
    Bacon likes this.

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