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Starbound pre-order news around the Net

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Alluvian_Est-Endrati, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

    Greetings all.

    The news about the Starbound pre-orders opening up have begun appearing in all of the usual places. Below is a partial list of the ones I have found, for those interested.
    gaminji, Hugt, popbot and 3 others like this.
  2. NickName

    NickName Cosmic Narwhal

    (The Escapist) "Terraria felt almost like a classic RPG, with levels, NPC shops, randomized weapons and boss battles. "
    Randomised weapos in terraria: did I misse something or do they mean the Modifier.
    Levels in Terraria : There weren't levels, you were able to increase some stats but not to level.

    (The Escapist) "with the most expensive tier, platinum, immortalizing the buyer as a statue in-game"
    that's wrong it is called Impervium

    (Hardcoregamer)"Starbound, developed by Chucklefish, has been generating a lot of buzz because it plays similarly to Minecraft and Terraria"
    I don't think there are a lot similarities to miencraft you place blocks Wow how similar.
    In Splinter cell an in MW3 you shoot bullets out of a gun totaly simmilar gamplay of course :down: .
    AstroBlast, gaminji, Dest and 8 others like this.
  3. Bynn_Error

    Bynn_Error Cosmic Narwhal

    Dat Journalism.

    Let us hope that they do not manage to give out anymore false information like that!
    Hopefully this will bring in more people that will pre-order or those that that have forgotten it's existence.
    gaminji, KirasiN and NickName like this.
  4. Disciple Cain

    Disciple Cain Subatomic Cosmonaut

    There is now.
  5. Still Starbound needs to gets to the Big Media Sites. That some of them just Ignored Starbound.

    More Attention in Media = More Pre-Orders :)
  6. Flameofice

    Flameofice Pangalactic Porcupine

    The Escapist article.........

    "It's hard to overstate my (dis)satisfaction"
    gaminji, Endless Rain and Blackleaf like this.
  7. DevonDe

    DevonDe Big Damn Hero

    When did that update come?
  8. Eggy Guff

    Eggy Guff Tentacle Wrangler

    Well there's no harm in contacting the various gaming sites. I just sent a message to Eurogamer about the pre-order. They ran a story about Prison Architect reaching $100,000 in 72 hours, and Starbound has p****d all over that. :D
    Giving Death, Asrashas and DevonDe like this.
  9. dead_videos

    dead_videos Big Damn Hero

    i do find it funny how a lot of them point to a video that is quite old, one of them even said it was recent.
  10. Freekill

    Freekill Pangalactic Porcupine

    Dat escapist article. /eyeroll
  11. Still. I also send EuroGamer a Tweet and posted in Facebook.
    Sometimes they post things as new that aren't a big new.

    May be because There isn't enough content like Trailers or Info in BETA launch or ETAs to the game launch itself. :p
  12. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    I would like to know this also.
  13. Eggy Guff

    Eggy Guff Tentacle Wrangler

    $300,000 in less than 24h is still newsworthy in my opinion! I think in a way the lack of info and trailers etc. make it even more of a cool story. It just goes to show how psyched the Starbound community is about the game.
  14. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    Lack of info and trailers? Have you not been following this ting? There has been a lot of info and trailers. But we've only seen THE TIP of it all!
  15. DevonDe

    DevonDe Big Damn Hero

    Heh, heh, just the tip.
    On topic: Scanning the articles, it seem like the writers haven't been following much of anything.
    Braxtrose likes this.
  16. Attribule

    Attribule Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Most ''journalists'' are totally out of the loop.

    It's all about putting up something quick and simple, and often times they'll even copy other articles just rephrasing it a decent amount of course.
    Giving Death likes this.
  17. Eggy Guff

    Eggy Guff Tentacle Wrangler

    Yeah I've been following it! I don't recall a lot of proper trailers though? I know there have been videos on Twitch and YouTube etc. Maybe I missed those. :oops: Quite often pre-orders like this have a some kind of 'Official' video pitch (much like a Kickstarter would), and I think that some people have come to expect that. I know there's been a fair bit of information on this forum, but Starbound hasn't got a huge amount of exposure elsewhere that I've seen. Would be nice to see a proper feature on the major gaming sites.

    But like I said, it's really cool how the community is getting behind this game. That was the main point I wanted to make. ;)
  18. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    Perhaps when the beta is released an actual trailer will come with it? Or perhaps the devs have been too busy to make one or thought that considering the info and videos they share a trailer wouldn't be needed? *shrug*

    I'm sure there will be an official trailer at some point. Maybe someone who is good at editing can download the videos the devs have shared and make a sort of trailer in the meantime.
    Eggy Guff likes this.
  19. popbot

    popbot Subatomic Cosmonaut

  20. Alluvian_Est-Endrati

    Alluvian_Est-Endrati Existential Complex

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