Spelunking Vehicle/Mount

Discussion in 'Vehicles and Mounts' started by Nathan, Mar 7, 2012.


What would you prefer to be "The Spelunker"?

  1. Vehicle - A hovering drone, a deployable car/truck

  2. Mounts - A wrench or sort that can be placed on the wall

  3. Equipable item - You can equipped the item on you or on a suitable vehicle

  4. All of the above (for creativity sake!)

  1. Nathan

    Nathan Big Damn Hero

    So I was thinking, what is one of the biggest problems when digging vertically down in games like Terraria or Minecraft, it would be the climb back up, I understand that in Terraria we had our ropes or vines, but still that was a hassle having to shoot it against a wall and then slowly making our way up. So a spelunking-like vehicle or mount; easily named "The Spelunker", would be quite useful for descending and ascending into cave crevices.

    So how it would work, you place it over, lets take for example a cave crevice, and then attach yourself to the rope that comes with the vehicle/mount and then lower yourself down. Obviously, there would be restrictions on how far "The Spelunker" can lower you, once you have reached that distance, the rope stays there until it is recalled back from the top or the individual lowered down mounts and rides back up. IMO, simple and easy.

    If it were to be a vehicle, I would suggest it be a hovering drone of sort or a car/truck or both, which is then driven and then deployed for the rope to appear.
    If it were to be a mount, then it could be maybe placed close by the crevice and then one individual must mount it to lower the others in. One issue with this method is that if you are by yourself, then it would not be possible, one way I see how we can remedy this situation would be to make a controller that you can craft along side it so you can control it, but once again you have to be within a certain range.

    To make things more fun, another application of this is that you could make platforms which hook onto "The Spelunker" and you can lower, not only one individual but groups at a time, or if you get creative enough, lower a digging vehicle or sort. This, in my opinion, would solve the issue with having to build a complete base underground just to construct a vehicle/mount just to use it to explore. Also you could turn them into elevators in your base...maybe?

    Well that is my suggestion for a cool vehicle/mount. Any feedback, criticisms or extra ideas are more then welcome.

    Thanks for reading, ENJOY!
    Gellelao likes this.
  2. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Great idea. This would be awesome! Would help with mining a lot.
  3. Nathan

    Nathan Big Damn Hero

    Hey thanks for that, but yeah, this was a personal issue...mainly because I was lazy...but I can see this being super helpful and useful :D

    Thanks again.
  4. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    I dealt with this hassle earlier today. It's very hard to Grapple your way up from the bottom of a large map to the surface level.
  5. Nathan

    Nathan Big Damn Hero

    Yep I totally agree with you on this, you have to find the best spot to hook and just slowly grapple up...very annoying...
  6. Krautzy

    Krautzy Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm all for pod-like elevator that runs down from the surface to... However deep you want it to go! I find this would also help create awesome underground complexes :]
  7. Nathan

    Nathan Big Damn Hero

    Oh man I know right, underground complexes will be FREAKING AWESOME! And thanks for supporting my idea mate :D
  8. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    [​IMG](magic mirror)
  9. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    If anything like the magic mirror is in the game, it probably wont be obtainable til later in the game, so a way to get back up from a deep cave by a long rope would be pretty usefull imo.
    Maybe you can upgrade the rope to make it able to go further?
  10. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Except that:
    1) If they had one, they probably would have used it.
    2) Sometimes you want to get to the surface/move up a large vertical area, not get all the way back to your spawn/save point.

    I like the idea though. Anything to make it slightly less of a hassle for moving around. It'll be fun to see what crazy stuff we'll be able to use.
    Cosina and Nathan like this.
  11. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

  12. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

    But starbound has stairs...freakin STAIRS maaaan
  13. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    If elevators are in the game I can't see them being built very fast. This would be a quick and convenient way to just hook in and go down/up.

    That would take a lot of stairs :speechless:, and possibly a larger hole if you don't want to jump all the way up. I'm sure this spelunking "mount" would be faster than walking/jumping up stairs.
    Nathan likes this.
  14. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

    I just want some kind of tube on rails
  15. Nathan

    Nathan Big Damn Hero

    Thanks everyone for the support...yeah elevators are cool too but this is like something quick that you can use on the go and also if you put this in your base makes it look slightly different than having elevators everywhere :D
  16. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    So you mean something less permanant? More like climbing ropes?

    EDIT (to remove triple post from before I know about editing):
    What about having an elevator as more permanat upgrade?
    So if you have a shaft that you use often, you just attatch an elevator?

    Stairs are OK in wide areas, but we're talking about vertical travel. If there were stairs you would have to keep moving left, right, left ect.
    Stairs on the left, shaft on the right

    Also stairs take up more space
  17. Serp

    Serp Zeromus

    You can also go straigh town stairs without moving left or right
  18. Mittgfu

    Mittgfu Phantasmal Quasar

    Make a spider mount! Make one, NAOW!
  19. Defenseless

    Defenseless Phantasmal Quasar

    starbound would realy need some elevators.. =o
  20. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    This sounds like an awesome idea. I'd love an item that you can just wip out really quickly and jump over the edge with, like a bungie rope. Not sure how that would work very well for climbing back up again though... Something that you could get before you unlock elevators to build though.

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