Small planetoids / man made planets

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Dr scoobie, Nov 11, 2012.


do you like the idea?

  1. yes

    65 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. maybe

    7 vote(s)
  4. i do not understand the idea

    0 vote(s)
  5. with some tweaks

    14 vote(s)
  1. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    Please vote.
    in the event that you have already partaken in the poll then heres a cookie:cookie:

    not bothered reading the whole post?
    then please read the Dont understand paragraph
    at the bottom.
    you start by landing on an asteroid!
    you will be able to build on this small asteroid and even build your way to other asteroids.
    but first you have to liberate the asteroid from a few enemies (dont want to make it too easy )

    what enemies?
    this isnt an enemies thread!

    the size of the asteroid shall vary from a few hundred blocks to a few dozen.
    the diameter may vary from 100 blocks to as little as 7

    size is directly proportional to rarity.
    large asteroids are rare
    small asteroids are common

    composition/whats in an asteroid
    sometimes an asteroid will contain the following
    oxygen (or air)

    large asteroids may also contain these
    crashed ships

    and extremely rarely
    small communities(hostile and non hostile)
    situated upon valuable materials

    the rarity of ores vary between asteroids vary
    so you might come across a full iron asteroid and a full stone asteroid.
    maybe even an asteroid mostly containing water.

    you build just like you normally do but asteroids are quite small
    compared with planets so you might need to
    bring resources from off planet.
    build whatever you want. be it an epic space station or a little house

    for all of you who like greenery you can plant trees or grow grass
    and build lakes e.c.t
    if you had the resources you could even build a mountain

    and perhaps you can transport some mobs from off planet and place it on this one.

    if you fall off the asteroid gravity is reverted and you land on the other side.

    imagine having a floating island in terraria
    falling of the edge and using a gravity potion.
    hopefully you have played terraria.

    also the gravity of the asteroids will be slightly less than planets.
    it wont be realistic. i shouldnt have to explain why. (jumps and flys into space)

    you can teleport whenever you want regardless of whether you are on solid ground or not.
    a failsafe to prevent you getting stuck.

    asteroid need to be liberated
    there will be one indestructible block in the middle - to prevent being stuck permanantly
    you need to gather resources to build elsewhere as the planetoid is small.
    you can build your way from asteroid to asteroid( but the distances are quite far.)
    you will need a spacesuit before you teraform it to include air or oxygen.

    Dont understand?
    no worries!:DD
    imagine a floating island.
    if you fall off the gravity is inverted and you land on the other side
    you can do anything you could normally do on this asteroid
    the only difference is the terrain and appearance.
    thank you for reading, heres another cookie:cookie:
    Other suggestions
    liks this suggestion?
    then check these out
    britefire, Auraknight, Auudar and 8 others like this.
  2. LeBleuMeldy

    LeBleuMeldy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nice idea, I like it. I think it would be cool. But I don't really like the idea of drones attacking, it bothers me.
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  3. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    needs some enemies.
    perhaps you have to liberate the asteroid first?

    perhaps you could build a giant bubble around it.
    then they wont be able to get in.
    :V - - - - - - - :cookie:
    LeBleuMeldy likes this.
  4. The_Wenderk

    The_Wenderk Astral Cartographer

    Good idea,

    the enemie can be golem
    because on asteroid there is nobody and golem is rock

    Also many type of golem can be possible
    witk capacity : size, powerfull, rate ....
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  5. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    a mini boss fight utilising both sides would be great fun.
  6. LeBleuMeldy

    LeBleuMeldy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Now that I like the idea of! :cool:
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  7. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    it would be like an air dome.
  8. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    enemies or no enemies?
    what do you think?
  9. LeBleuMeldy

    LeBleuMeldy Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think enemies would be fine, I just don't like the idea of drones maybe as The_Wenderk said, the golems would work.
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  10. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    So like asteroids? That would be friken awesome! I'd make a huge project out of one of those. My good sir, this must be added.
    Also, yes I do think that I can make my new race live on one of those.
    I go bed now, to set my spawn ;). Night night
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  11. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    I like the just of it, maybe it would be better if there where tons of those planetoids/asteroids, then you could build a large facility connecting them as some sort of super base.
  12. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    build bridges between them?
    good idea.
  13. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    and then have a base with rooms in-between the Planetoids and then have corridors above and below them
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  14. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    And they could be in gravity unless you get a machine to say otherwise!!! Awesome... (I'm still active. Suck it)
    Dr scoobie and GunmanRex like this.
  15. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    I don't know it would be fun to have a room where the floors are the walls and you jump to get attached to the ceiling, it could allow for better use of the room
    Yaxlat and Dr scoobie like this.
  16. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    free likes to everyone!
    nah but seriously i would like to see zero g movement
    but i think that belongs in a different thread.

    also no purple writing?
    Yaxlat likes this.
  17. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    well if something like the zero g thing is part of a different thread it should stay as the thread but still if they posted that there is could get this more views but still keep it on topic of that part of the forums
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  18. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    you lost me
    should i create a new thread about zero g movement?
  19. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    yes but link it to this thread as this is the thread that started it
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  20. The_Wenderk

    The_Wenderk Astral Cartographer

    Dr scoobie :
    he say that a thread already exist
    But you don't need to make a new thread
    because this is in context of planet and environement

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