Small planetoids / man made planets

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Dr scoobie, Nov 11, 2012.


do you like the idea?

  1. yes

    65 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. maybe

    7 vote(s)
  4. i do not understand the idea

    0 vote(s)
  5. with some tweaks

    14 vote(s)
  1. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    i edited it to say 7 block diameter(min)
    to 100 blocks diameter(max)

    its a much better way of stating size than area.
    area = pie x (radius x radius)
    3.14 x 10 x 10 = 314 blocks
    you made it larger:rofl:
  2. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    maybe if there is only one asteroid if you go fast enough and jump you will orbit the rock.
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  3. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    amusing idea.
    i like it
  4. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    Dr scoobie likes this.
  5. Auraknight

    Auraknight Weight of the Sky

    I'd LOVE to make my own planets.
    all the possibilitys,
    make out out of explosives,
    then FFFLLLLYYYY/OOOORRRRBBBIIIITTT into my foes homeworld.
    Dr scoobie and GunmanRex like this.
  6. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    I did mean diameter for the other ones as well. :p But yeah that's a good size. What about my boss idea. You like it?
  7. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    how can a space dragon be anything but awesome?

    but my thread already mentions 3 separate idea.
    zero g
    placing objects on walls
    main idea.
  8. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    but this is to do with the asteroids. "Some asteroids have a space dragon boss mob which you fight in 0g, but that is not the main post, so I will not elaborate further here" is what you could say.
  9. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    i want people to focus on the main idea
    rather than distract them with zombie space dragons.

    which are far too awesome to not be distracting.

    under normal circumstances i would give you a cookie,
    but im all out so you will have to wait until the current batch is finished.
  10. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    you lie. If your current batch is not finished, then you have cookies. And you were gonna eat them your self. Well tough for you, I have my own cookies, and my minions will make sure YOU don't get any! They will all be mine!
    :sparta: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :viking: try to get past those guys.
    Dr scoobie likes this.
  11. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    :ninja::ninja: x:sparta: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: x:viking:
    i have ninjas at my disposal!

    and the batch is now finished
    help yourself
  12. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    or you could make a giant cannon/death star
    summon a boss and WHAM!
    Auraknight likes this.
  13. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    you just gave my cookies back to me.....


    :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
    :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :sparta:-PURSUE THE COOKIE THIEF! WAAH!-:saywhat:
    :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

    Dr scoobie and Auraknight like this.
  14. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    quickly to the fort!
    Yaxlat likes this.
  15. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    :sparta:-ATTACK THE FORT!!!
    No thank you, I'm alright actually!-:proper:
  16. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    *scoobie gets in the fort*
    Close up the fort!
    *Drawbridge goes up*
  17. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    No need, on the other side already. *ninja awesomeness*-:ninja:
    :viking:-RAGE MODE!!!!! Crap I've lost me axe. :(
    That was a jolly good show. The zombies aren't doing anyth... Oh my. They seem to be drowning, this not good. Ah they are forming a human zombie bridge! The entire regiment can cross now! Wow they have barged down the door! Our entire army is in the fort, apart from one man who lost his axe and about 10 zombies. Nicely played! -:proper:
  18. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    *Rex and Scoobie get to the top floor*
    Release the bottom!
    *all of Yax's forces are dumped to the planet surface as the top of the fort rockets off into the atmosphere*
  19. Yaxlat

    Yaxlat Existential Complex

    And so Rex and scoobie are forever victorious. Or so the think. Yaxlat himself comes up from the endless abyss riding a zombie space dragon. His army follow suit!
    :sparta:-BAD MOVE REX!!!
  20. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    *Flame Turrets mounted by Mutant Cyborg Zombie Penguins appear from the walls and bottom of Fort rocket*
    *Turrets Burn everybody but Yax who evades harm with his pro Zombie Space Dragon Flying skills*
    Yaxlat likes this.

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