Race sculpting their way forward, The Effigies, A humanoid race of Stone like people

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by junothefox, Dec 20, 2013.


How does ye think of the Effigies

  1. Come ye sons of hoplite (They must put this in the game)

  2. I would sculpt myself into a greek god if I could

  3. sure, ok

  4. here, there be needing improvements

  5. don't think it should be in the game


  7. don't care

  1. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    (All of this is a Work In progress and is subject to change)

    Short race summary
    The Effigies are a humanoid race of stone like people loosely based on Greek and roman society. Effigies thick stone like skin makes it highly sculptable and changeable. Its not uncommon when other races first see them to mistake them as statues and describe them as moving art.

    History of the Effigies
    Report written by Ashlen Darkplase - race: Human
    Source: elder Romian Effigy from a wandering space colony
    (authors notes: Ashlen is fictional character I made up and I'm using her to make a human report about the Effigies)
    Effigies used to live quite the tribal life in till one day a race of unknown aliens landed on their planet. The visit wasn't long, said to be about a few days long but had profound effects to the Effigies race as a whole. The Effigies know this event as The meeting of the travelers. The Effigies that met the aliens were so amazed by them they thought they were the children of their gods. It does seem based on the all accounts that they made a good impression on the travelers because the Travelers left them one of their space ships. The Effigies cherished the ship and saw it as a religious artifact and placed it on a plateau. There they founded the city of hoplite. The city became a great city for Art, philosophy, politics and commerce. They first sculpted themselves in the shape of the travelers putting on features that are common to the us and other races. A group splintered from the Hoplite military to find the city of Leonosha. Leonosha had separate ideals from hoplite, They wanted to make the best Warrior, pushing themselves hard as possible. Hoplite and Leonosha had a rocky relationship at best but did achieved great things and won impossible battles when together. It seem like it was inedible that the two cities would go to war. Hoplite started a war with Leonosha thinking it was to be a quick defeat but turn into a bloody war that spanned a few decades. A Effigy man named Granraw (Gra-n-row) a Man that always questioned the world around him, feared a deviating defeat from Leonosha, so studied the ship left by the traveler in secret. He slowly gathered a following and other hoplitans called them the Roma as it was an insult in their language but it stuck and they wear it proud. one day, they started to build ships of their own thought simple looking, like asteroids with marble temples on them these days but highly functional. Hoplite eventually found out of Granraw and was jailed to be judged. For fear of being jailed too, Granrow's followers decided to left the planet. so they did and on that day one of Granrow's follower yelling out to the fleeing rest to hasten them"Go ye sons of hoplite, from banishment save your people, save your wife and your children save, the common cause of all demands your sacrifice." With all the ships leaving the planet the effigies on the ground must of been blow away by the sight of what they would of thought that pieces of the city leaving to the sky, shattering the city. From what I was told that was About two centuries ago. The ship that we have found long lost contact with the other fleets. The location of any other Effigy fleets is unknown as of this moment.

    Inspired by ancient visitors, Effiges, often described as walking statues, made a city named hoplite in honor of their gods. but their fear and pride misled them to a bitter war with neighboring States. on the verge of defeat an effigen engineer and philosopher, Granrow ordered his followers, the Roma, make ships connected to parts of hoplite and exiled them to the stars to saving them, shattering the city forever, but the roma vowed a new city will rise again.

    Pictures and video coming soon

    Body Makeup: The Effigies body is generally made up of denser materials. In order to move with a denser body makeup they're body temperature is noticeably higher than most other races.

    Blood: Effigy blood is exceptionally hot and rich in minerals which give it's bright glowing color. The color is a inherited genetic trait that makes the blood predisposed to having higher levels of certain minerals that affect the color. When an Effigy dies their blood cools and hardens to an almost stone like density similar to their outer skins.

    Skin: Like most creatures on their planet they have a clear under skin that shows their hot glowing blood underneath. Like most creature's they have an outer skin consisting of hard stony plates that cover their bodies and constantly grow. These plates are possible do to a diet heavily rich in minerals. They provide basic protection from their home planet's sometimes harsh environment and camouflage from ruthless predator. Most Effigies will chisel, sand, and sculpt their outer skin down, but if left unkempt the outer skin continuously grows outward spiny and jagged. Either outside forces like rubbing against things, attacks from predators, or gravity eventually snapping some of the jagged ends keep the plates from weighing them down.

    Facial Features: The Effigies' only natural facial features are their glowing eyes and mouths. But to emulate the travelers who visited their planet and brought them civilization they attempt to carve out other facial features. They'll carve things like noses and wealthier Effigies will carve out further details like jowls and cheeks to the point of almost looking like statues of humans.

    Hearing: The Effigies under skin is covered in a sensitive membrane that feels vibrations that allow them hear all around them.

    Speaking: The Effigies speak using coiling string like organs in their necks that work similar to speakers.

    Diet: Effigies' diet generally consists of foods rich in energy and minerals.

    Metabolism: The Effigies' metabolism is more powerful than other races in order to process their diet of denser foods and generates the hotter blood that maintains homeostasis for their denser bodies.

    Brain and Nervous System: Effigies' have roughly the same level of intelligence as most other races, but their nervous system operates a bit more slowly than other races due to more energy being committed to their metabolism. The Effigies take a little bit longer to formulate and give reactions. To other races they appear a tad slow, but to the Effigies this pace is normal and they perceive the other races as being a tad fast.

    Reproduction: The basic concept behind conceiving new Effigy is similar to other races like Humans and Apex, but with the usual technical differences. (Debating whether I need to go into the details of the technical differences, probably not) Effigy pregnancies last on average 16 human months. The mothers belly will expand causing the outer plate in that area to crack and pieces fall off. The child is ready to be born when the mother entire groin plate breaks off. The mother gives birth in fashion similar to other races like Humans and Apex. The lost outer skin does grow back over time.

    Development and Lifespan: Effigy youths have no outer skin and are extremely vulnerable. They're often closely watched over and coddled until they begin to mature at 21-24 Earth Years old which is signaled by their outer skins beginning to grow. They continue to grow not fully maturing until around 40 earth years. The Effigies externally don't seem to change at all until death. The only noticeable sign of old age is their bloods glow begins to noticeably dim, signifying a slowing and break down of their metabolism. Elderly Effigy tend to act and move much slower. When an Effigy dies their blood begins to cool for many hours until hardened to state similar to their outer skin leaving their corpse permanently in whatever position it cooled in.The Effigies' have one of the longest lifespans of the races. Their average lifespan is roughly 200 Earth years, but some have been known to live as old as 240 Earth years(Oldest recorded bing 244 Earth years).

    -Biology rework by ShamanMcLamie

    Effigy Religion: The Artisans
    Report written by Ashlen Darkplase - race: Human
    Source: elder Romian Effigy from a wandering space colony​

    Even Effigion community was set upon logic and philosophy, they still believe in the supernatural. Effigies believe they were crated by three gods that they called the Artisans. Zenith the lord of Thunder and the heavens. Tsuno the Lord of water and storms. Aamon The Lord of Fire And death. The Artisans left them half finished so they could finish there work and go out into the world spreading their Art, philosophy and freedom of thinking.

    miscellaneous facts -
    • Most young Effigies are quite open to new ideas, Elder Effigies tend to seem stubborn and not open to new ideas but they're really just highly opinionated and passionate.
    • Their planet's name is Gaia and has a gas giant neighboring it called Atlas.

    first pixel art for the effigies

    I don't own those pictures below and there are not concept art. They are pictures to reference toward Effigies
    This is the only stone Golem picture I like, the effigies will have less of a bulky stone look and more of the statue look and the effigies will be lot smaller, at human size but I thought this was cool enough

    an example of Greek armor

    A more decorative armor

    Helmet up

    Halo's hoplite program?

    here comes the Spartans

    different helmet

    someone doesn't take crap

    A whole lot of helmets

    there's not much point to this being here but that's one big old helmet

    man that's dedication

    weapons, weapons and more weapons

    first concept picture by Chuylol

    The battle ready soldiers by Chuylol

    humans -
    Effigies have always had a strong alliance with human, so much so some effigies think they are the travelers from their legends, This seems highly unlikely but is in the realm possibility. The most likely reason why they have such a good alliance is that they been misplaced similarly to the humans, in search of a new home.

    Avian -
    In a whole, Effigies have a pretty neutral view on the avian. They admire the achievements Avians have achieved such as their trades, temples, etc. but they also appalled by their rituals and believes. The best example of this is when a Elder effigy meet a avian high priest on terms of trade. It started well enough but the high priest took them to a ritual and sacrifice. The elder effigy realized what they were doing and stop before the sacrifice. Highly insulted by this the avian high priest confronted the effigy. The verbal argument lasted a few minutes but almost got violent. People from both sides broke up the argument and at the end of the augment the elder effigy said to his partners "I asked him give me a good reason to believe in Kluex, his reason wasn't good enough." The situation was eased and the trade went smoothly after that. They took the avian that was almost sacrificed and never attended the rituals ever again. lastly some effigies believe that Kluex could be one of the artisan who's teaches were worped.

    Hylotl -
    Effigies and Hylotls tend to misunderstand each others cultures, thought they have an excellent alliance mostly fueled by trade. Lastly most Effigies see Hylotls as push overs and way to forgiving.

    Apex -
    while most effigies are impressed by their high advancement in technology but their government reminds them of some of the nations that hoplite warred against back on Gaia. Thought most wavered away those thoughts out of fear and desperation. they've had mostly peaceful encounters but most effigies prefer not to deal with them as much as possible for fear of sparking a war like the one that took hoplite.

    Floran -
    Effigies have a great hatred for Floran. from Floran raids to attacks to torture of the effigen people to even hatred of savagery rooted back from old enemies on Gaia. But unlike their fear of the Apex, they have no regrets for starting mass killings of such "savages".

    Glitch -
    the Glitch are seen as a flawed society by many of the effigies. they see there society as a miserable, disguising and a close minded one. thought effigies prefer not to interfere with their affairs or start a war with them, they are more then happy to help those glitch that have gained knowledge of the stars whenever possible.

    Novakid -
    Effigies have a very mixed viewed on the novakids. some admire there questioning, others see them as short minded and rude. but many agree much is lost because they don't teach there knowledge down to the next generations, but they do realize it can't be helped. Mostly effigies use Novakid as mercenaries to do jobs they don't wish to do and/or don't want others know that they are involved.

    thanks to:
    chuylol, for Art and pixel art
    ShamanMcLamie, for biology section rework
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
    R4B97, Goldpork, Daëglin and 9 others like this.
  2. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    I love the golem, but it feels like magic.
  3. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would agree with you a little bit more, if it wasn't for walking plant people feeling like magic as well.
    Edit: oh and thanks for the feedback
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  4. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    First, my laptop took a dump on me, need to reformat it. it will be a little harder for me to work on the effigies but ill find some time.
    second, I'm starting to do live streams of Starbound @twitch.tv/junodafox starting at 7:00 est.
  5. Atlus

    Atlus Big Damn Hero

    One of the bosses is a dragon skeleton and several monsters in the game shoot various kind of projectiles of elemental origin.

    I don't even know if magic isn't a thing in Starbound anymore.
  6. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    Well i can explain the dragon as technology if it was a mechanical one painted to look like bones. And now that i think of it the same could be said towards the golem. Why machines you ask? someone felt like using them as means of distraction or robbery
  7. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

    Im working in the concept right now :)

    Edit: I think they should have some kind of mouth, even if you dont want them to eat with eat or communicate with it, just for expressions and personality
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  8. Zaisher

    Zaisher Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yknow just cause there are space ships doesn't mean it HAS to be sci-fi
  9. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok, I need to know if you aprove my idea, I added a mouth just for expressions. This is just concept art, I need opinions and feedback.
    The black lines in the body are going to be bright like the eyes
    I hope you like it :)
  10. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sorry been busy, I probably will give them a mouth.

    hm those eyebrows makes me giggle a little, but I think you did a good job. keep up on the concept art. Plus if you have any time could you make art of effigy society and effigy solider battle ready. thank you, hope to see more
    chuylol likes this.
  11. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry for the delay, I had things to do but here it is :)

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  12. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    I think the fact that plants are alive and rocks aren't comes into play here. This doesn't feel sci-fi, it feels fantasy.
  13. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    another thing is, their skin is not stone, their have stone like skin its not uncommon for animals in real life to do such things
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  14. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    well it was worth the wait, as of right now I don't have a problem(I'll tell you I change my mind on this). im saying this to make sure, can you make the nobles smoother like statues but I think the rough design for the soldiers work well.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  15. Telmish

    Telmish Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I really like the idea, I'd love to see some in-game sprites.
  16. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Very good idea!
    I'd like to see some in-game sprites,too!
  17. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    Things in sci fi need to follow basic rules of the real world. Nothing in the real world has stone like skin because it would limit mobility both in degree of movement and speed, it would also greatly increase it's mass meaning needing greater muscle mass simply to carry said weight. Which would mean they'd be extremely slow or need to eat like humming birds to support said muscle. This doesn't even address the the issues that skin would cause for physical growth.

    This race isn't based off of any known species or something that would work in the real world. Being cool to look at doesn't make for a Sci fi race.
  18. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    The Glitch can drown underwater and use bandages and beds to heal themselves.
    Also, the Novakid are literally made out of plasma and they're sentient.

    What's your point?
  19. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    My point is Science fiction vs. Science Fantasy. This race is the latter, this game is science fiction.

    It's not just logic issues meaning this is fine because you think you can poke holes.

    - Glitch need oxygen to burn for fuel, that's what humans use it for.
    - Glitch can eat and assimilate organic materials for food, meaning they can convert the bandage into the material of the location that's damaged.

    As for Novakids. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry

    Please lose the sarcastic dismissive attitude. I clearly explained myself in the last post.
  20. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

    I will soon be working on sprites or nobles, not sure yet.
    We already understood that you dont like this idea, it´s ok, I get your point. Its a videogame with medieval robots, human-like plants, science, planets, monsters and a giant skeleton dragon that breathes fireballs. I can think of many things and creatures that can match that universe, and for me this is one of them. If you have some real feedback please tell us, it´s always good to get things to be better, but don´t expect this race to disappear. :)

    PD : Sorry for my English.

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