Race sculpting their way forward, The Effigies, A humanoid race of Stone like people

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by junothefox, Dec 20, 2013.


How does ye think of the Effigies

  1. Come ye sons of hoplite (They must put this in the game)

  2. I would sculpt myself into a greek god if I could

  3. sure, ok

  4. here, there be needing improvements

  5. don't think it should be in the game


  7. don't care

  1. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

    First of all, thank you about the concept art n-n
    Now, about the sprites, I made this as a base sprite, I need to know if people like it. Just remember, is the base, there are more colors, head mods, etc.
    Locklave and ShamanMcLamie like this.
  2. ShamanMcLamie

    ShamanMcLamie Big Damn Hero

    Those are looking pretty good. I don't understand all the concern about lack of sprites.

    My one critique is maybe a glowing line around their upper chest mostly around the collar bone indicative of their eating orifice described in the biology section. That area just seems a little barren and needs some activity.
  3. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    The sprites will show if it is even possible to achieve a proper result.

    It's hard enough to make a proper stone texture, but also lava crevasses, makes it even harder!
    I think it looks good, but I'm not feeling the lava bit...

    Also, I would make the females without attributes, but that may just be me :)
    Maybe just make the head assets set them apart :)

    Keep at it!
  4. ShamanMcLamie

    ShamanMcLamie Big Damn Hero

    Every race needs a male and female form because every playable race already does, but more importantly there are male and female sprites for all the clothes which are all wearable cross species.
  5. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    You don't need females with boobs - My grey's have none.. as it would be odd...

    It takes work, but it can be done :)
  6. ShamanMcLamie

    ShamanMcLamie Big Damn Hero

    I don't think the developers are interested in doing the work. It would mean a whole new set of sprites for that race which with all the clothing and armor options would take up quite a bit of time. While greys look pretty cool they don't fit the parameters for an official playable race. They would be an awesome NPC addition in my opinion.
  7. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Never aimed for being an official playable race, so fine by me :D

    And thanks for the praise :)
  8. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    Because this is a good idea but needs to be fully fleshed out and explained. But people want to be ignorant and take all criticism as being against the core idea.

    Because I didn't think you the maker had such thin skin. You could explain it using science but you explain it like fantasy, I'm trying to explain why it won't work the way you have it now. But feel free to paint me as against the idea completely because of that point.

    If you leave the race like it is now it will never be more then a mod. I'm sorry I tried to explain why that's the case.
  9. ShamanMcLamie

    ShamanMcLamie Big Damn Hero

    I don't speak for the creator of the Effigies, but I do have some responses for your questions.

    Remember life is a pretty persistent things I mean we've discovered many biological traits and possibilities that people couldn't conceive right here on Earth. We couldn't possibly conceive how life exists and shapes out on other planets.

    I wouldn't get too bent over the how it works and came to be. This is still a Work in Progress and stuff needs to be added, but this is all fiction and not everything needs explaining. If you need ever little thing explained it just gets pedant and starts sucking the fun out of it.

    EDIT: After further reading I THINK(and could be wrong) I see where the issue is. Locklave isn't against this, he actually thinks it's a cool idea, but thinks it needs more explaining, which I would agree with to some extent. I think his mistake was he didn't make clear until much later that he liked this idea and that he kept trying to poke holes without offering potential fills for them. It gave the impression that he was just out to troll and kill this than offering constructive criticism which has lead to the mild hostility from JunotheFox and Chuylol towards him.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
    Dargona1018, Locklave and chuylol like this.
  10. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Talking about my mod, the Grey race - not this mod/suggestion...
    Locklave likes this.
  11. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    Oh lol sorry. I'll delete that post my bad.
  12. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't think I was being clear enough. Yes, that's what I meant. Thank you for that edit.
    chuylol likes this.
  13. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice then, sorry if I talked to you in some offensive way back there :)
    This is not my mother language so I don´t always express myself as good as I want, let´s all make this race grow
    Dargona1018 and Locklave like this.
  14. ShamanMcLamie

    ShamanMcLamie Big Damn Hero

    Actually looking back I probably could have worded that better. Not so much "hostility towards" as it was just a "negative impression" of Locklave. But hopefully now it's all good and we understand where everyone is coming from.

    Just curious, but what is your mother language?
  15. chuylol

    chuylol Void-Bound Voyager

    Spanish, I have a certificate in english now, but you can always make a mistake xD
  16. Ruuzdahfrost

    Ruuzdahfrost Void-Bound Voyager

    Hmm... ...Roman age would be cool... I'l vote: EFFEN YES!
  17. Peachy

    Peachy Star Wrangler

    Uh are you sure about the thing with their blood? That's not very cold at all, I'm pretty sure their blood would be hardening more often than not. You might want to lower that temperature or get rid of that detail all together or just explain how they deal with that.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  18. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    im going to take a vote on the eating orifice to keep it or remove it with a mouth all together.
    chuylol likes this.
  19. junothefox

    junothefox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ill look into that it. its just my biggest problem was that you were being rude to my partner. ill be doing some brainstorming and if your wish to throw your two cent in go ahead. this is a work in progress after all.
    chuylol likes this.
  20. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    I literally don't understand his reply #29 to my post. It's reads like he's responding to a post that wasn't made and certainly not the post he quoted. Which is why I gave that response.

    Why was he talking about human rights? Why is he repeating what I said about being able to mod it?

    I'm seriously confused by his reply and it feel like he was just trolling me.

    I give up.

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