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Sci-Fi VS Fantasy: Which direction do YOU want to see the game take?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Haltus Kain, Jan 9, 2014.


Don't vote for what you don't want! Read the POLL DESCRIPTION below, first!

  1. Science Fiction

  2. Science Fantasy, emphasis on the Science

  3. Science Fantasy

  4. Science Fantasy , emphasis on the Fantasy

  5. Fantasy

  1. FabulousJeremy

    FabulousJeremy Void-Bound Voyager

    Science Fantasy. The game universe is fun the way it is developing. Though I see no room for magic in the universe.
  2. ThePenguinNich

    ThePenguinNich Big Damn Hero

    I feel like Terraria was something more akin to fantasy, which has been done for the most part. I bought the game for a Sci-Fi Terraria-like experience, and I'd rather have a lot more tech than fantasy. This game's story is at a point in time where various species have developed FTL Travel and explored/ colonized various places. And although some still clutch to primal beliefs (*cough cough Kluex worshipers cough cough*) that's all those will and should ever be. Beliefs. Honestly I don't see summoning fireballs (as in OP's example) to fit very well with the timeline of the game.

    But there is a way to solve this conflict (mostly). Many things that were seen as magic back in time were just clever practices and accusations of ignorant people in the masses (ie. Salem Witch Trials). So there is obviously ways to solve fantasy gamer-cravings, and I can already see a couple in this version of the game. The energy bar is basically just a mana bar but more Sci-Fi...y. It is used up doing special abilities and it recharges, both of which are the same with mana bars. Pretty much anything I can think of off the top of my head in a fantasy game could be altered so technology is it's source and not magic/ wizardry/ etc. The fireball (again OP's example) can very well be solved by just having a device that shoots fireballs. I'm sure that's not too far-fetched for a Sci-Fi game. And to think of it, because it's a Sci-Fi game, Chucklefish can go a little crazy and still be believable... because this not only the future, but it is a whole other universe.
    Sorry for the massive wall of text.

    Fantasy doesn't fit well with a game that is so far into technology, but fantasy related things can be incorporated using technology to keep the Sci-Fi theme whilst also making people happy.

    No fantasy.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  3. MoonBeast

    MoonBeast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    too late. The game is already hopelessly fantasy
    RexBox, ThePenguinNich and kainfury like this.
  4. Maxakari

    Maxakari Void-Bound Voyager

    Star Ocean...... Till the end of time, I'm pretty sure it has magic, and when the character goes to a less developed planet they can be medieval, or alien-like, i haven't played it in awhile but I'm sure this game should have less developed planets and more developed planets, and everything in between! after all it's planet travelling! not all planets will be Sci-Fi advanced! and not all will be Medieval and mythical either!
    sa_Spog and Tamorr like this.
  5. capybaraluver

    capybaraluver Great Scott!

    Tech that is similar to magic, I'm looking at you rainbow cape.
    Serenity likes this.
  6. Sir Orange

    Sir Orange Ketchup Robot

    My post was shit anyway, i'll delete it.
  7. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    A fireball can most certainly fit into the game. Millions of planets with all sorts of races and creatures? It's not a stretch by any means for one of them to have an innate ability to manipulate fire. It's also just as likely that a planet be primitive and uncivilized than it is a planet has technology. After all, all fantasy magic is based on the science/laws of the world they exist in. With millions of worlds it's not unlikely that the laws of nature on any given world would be different.

    I'm all for someone desiring one over the other, but I see absolutely no reason why someone would wish one less existent than the other. The game is perfectly set up to where you can play fantasy or sci-fi exclusively if you so wish. I'd love fantasy, but that doesn't mean I'd want less sci-fi. And if you ask me, I think it only adds depth and excitement to the game when you run into fantasy VS sci-fi encounters. If you don't want magic/fantasy, then ignore that aspect of the game and use modern weapons and tech, and build things using metal, etc etc.
  8. GoldK

    GoldK Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just because something is broken doesn't mean you want to break it further. That is just a lazy way of dealing with problems.
  9. I have voted on the full SciFi theme becuase... Alien and and Bladerunner and and... FUTUREEEE!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2014
    Snappyr and krylo like this.
  10. MoonBeast

    MoonBeast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I never said it was broken. It's very much fantasy, and I'm OK with that
  11. Cinnaman123

    Cinnaman123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think that once we get some more lore, we will be able to explain some of the current "fantasy elements" (which I am assuming means magic) will fit into the science fiction theme. I mean, when I first summoned the UFO, it wasn't weird that it was piloted by penguins because I just assumed race "Ok, obviously race of penguin aliens, and I sent a distress signal, so they decided I was easy prey". Maybe the Dragon is some experiment gone bad, and you have to stop it. Maybe the rainbow forest has just adapted to high radiation levels.

    Think about Metroid. The heck is Flagera? And how you fit into dat ball? Or StarWars, shooting lightening bolts out of your finger with your mind. Even Star Trek had some pretty bull explainations. Some things will just end up being up to interpretation.

    Either way, the Devs have made it pretty clear that they want this to be on the science fiction side, but that doesn't mean that some things will just have pretty fantastical or absent explanations. Blatant magic has no real place, but there may be some things that is just "Some unknown ancient power courses through this bone hammer" or you just have to imagine how it's working.
  12. Tweak

    Tweak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's all rhetorical. No matter what it is, different people will call it different things.

    No matter what we say we want, different people will think we said different things.

    Maybe I don't like the emphasis on science at all. Maybe I would rather call it "realism" than science. Maybe I would describe it all as a scale between nonfiction and fiction. Maybe the issue isn't so much whether a thing is plausible, but the extent to which it is explained.

    I can't pretend that I know exactly what the issue is meant to be, so it is difficult to provide a meaningful answer.
  13. Charlatan

    Charlatan Parsec Taste Tester

    Stories like Mass Effect have shown that fantasy and sci-fi can be combined and not only are far from mutually exclusive, but can work amazingly together.

    Humans have not the faintest imagination of what exists or can exist in the endless universe. It could be, literally, anything.
    Even fantasy aspects and powers seemingly magical can find logical scientific explanation.

    Voting Fantasy in the hopes that at least aspects of mystery and spirituality are not forgotten.
    Aeon likes this.
  14. Windy017

    Windy017 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The fantasy portion, or "space magic". Should be all technological trickery instead of "It's magic, I isn't got to explain shit". It depends what you think is "magic" in the first place. A gun, for example could be seen as magic to a race that has never actually seen a firearm before.

    Then again, I don't quite get how there is a zombie dragon boss floating around, that could be a robot for all we know.
    ThePenguinNich and Aeon like this.
  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan Parsec Taste Tester

    That's what I meant. To seperate "existance" from our POV and "reality" can help you get how zombie dragon bosses are floating around.

    A dragon as in a large lizard with wings is absolutely plausible, it just doesn't exist on real-life earth.
    An organic lifeform enduring enough to stay alive for a period despite having flesh gone necrotic is possible, but doesn't exist on real-life earth.

    If said "dragon" can breathe fire, that's a wholly different matter, but I suppose a biological explanation could be found.
  16. Harlander

    Harlander Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1) It's odd what arbitrary lines we'll draw, isn't it?
    2) Your space-dragonfire is some kind of gratuitously hardcore bombardier beetle spit.
    Charlatan likes this.
  17. Charlatan

    Charlatan Parsec Taste Tester

    That's a really good example, nice.
  18. Kurosagi

    Kurosagi Big Damn Hero

    Science Fantasy xD
  19. Rune the Red Panda

    Rune the Red Panda Existential Complex

    Science fiction, and some fantasy (BUT IT HAS TO HAVE AN EXPLANATION, NO SPACE MAGIC!!!!) ;3
  20. Aeon

    Aeon Phantasmal Quasar

    It's up to the developers on what direction this game goes. as i have no right in Meddling with someones intellectual property, even if i bought the game.

    And to actually answer the threads question, well i don't care. because as long as it's fun and properly executed than it's all good with me.
    Tamorr likes this.

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