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Sci-Fi VS Fantasy: Which direction do YOU want to see the game take?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Haltus Kain, Jan 9, 2014.


Don't vote for what you don't want! Read the POLL DESCRIPTION below, first!

  1. Science Fiction

  2. Science Fantasy, emphasis on the Science

  3. Science Fantasy

  4. Science Fantasy , emphasis on the Fantasy

  5. Fantasy

  1. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    How dare you have a useful necro that asks relevant, productive questions and makes people actually think?

    I think they seem to be going largely away from Terraria's fantasy starting point (matter manipulator upgrades), but they've also introduced fantasy type stuff (PSI staffs). I'm guessing there will be a lot of effort spent on techs (new ones, balancing old ones, etc) once this next update hits, and that could be where we see the most fantasy/sci-fi bits come into play.
    Serenity likes this.
  2. Starbug

    Starbug Guest

    At last! Some of the nightly blogs are showing the game progression is moving away from the Terraria fantasy theme.

    As one of my friends on steam says, They won't play until you don't need a pickaxe on a spaceship game. Science is where it's at. Although I voted science fantasy. That allows for more of the strange and fantastical items to be in the game without appearing incongruous.

    Moving further and further away from another 2-D sandbox game is a good idea. In this case of stable it feels as though the game is not focused much on the Science aspect, other than having a space ship to ferry you between sandboxes.
    MysticMalevolence and Akado like this.
  3. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    Everything should be Sci-Fi.

    But any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from ARCANE 20TH LEVEL VOODOO WIZARDRY!

    So space zombies are cool with me.
  4. GeneralMittens

    GeneralMittens Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I vote heavily for Sci-fi, seeing the theme of the Apex furniture and labs, I think this would be nice, and maybe Mass Effect 3-esque powers as a weapon or tech (face it, built in death blades in my arm would be way rad). The bone Dragon may be low hanging fruit on the fantasy part, but I feel if there was a few robot parts attached, it would fit right in with the science theme.
    Serenity and MrLevi like this.
  5. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm vaguely entertained that some people voted for pure-fantasy. I think after Starbound is done, Chucklefish is going to need to make a fantasy game based on the same engine. :DD
  6. GeneralMittens

    GeneralMittens Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Would they call it...

    Earthbound? :iswydt:
    Serenity and MrLevi like this.
  7. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    Or would they call it...
    CompletelyBound: 50 Shades of Chucklefish

    I mean, this IS a fantasy game, right?
    Serenity and GeneralMittens like this.
  8. GeneralMittens

    GeneralMittens Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sounds less like a fantasy game, and more like a very weird yet arousing porno.
    Serenity likes this.
  9. Starbug

    Starbug Guest

    That game already exists, it's name is Ter.. [that's enough] :p
    Serenity likes this.
  10. KuramaFox

    KuramaFox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A good mix. Ala Star Ocean style sci-fi fantasy (not counting the "4D plot twist," that was just annoying). Something like Wildstar's mix would be a bit too much fantasy, mind you.

    There is no reason we can't have a good balanced mix of fantasy and sci-fi stuff. Give us ammo, give us energy, and give us mana bars.

    As for the whole coal thing, I have just been of the opinion that they should add a new reasonably common ore to all low level planets that powers ships in place of coal (or replace all current coal with that, and add a new coal ore that you use for the current coal stuff).
  11. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    Please be Energon, Please be Energon, Please be Energon.
  12. Untrustedlife

    Untrustedlife Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well... techniquely a creature could be telepathic by nature....

    YEAH for suspension of disbelief.
    Serenity likes this.
  13. Sozzer

    Sozzer Void-Bound Voyager

    It'll be interesting to see where the game goes from here, though it looks like it's staying as a balance between science and fantasy for the forseeable future.
  14. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    The current game is most definitely not suitable to direct to fantasy, therefore I would love it to stay how it was.
  15. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I play starbound because it's supposed to be a SciFi game. I don't care if they add magic elements and zombies so long as they provide a good SciFi experience first, with effective and sane gun mechanics, starship and space mechanics, and better planetary exploration. If I happen to find worlds where physics / life evolved in a manner different than ours and the undead walk the planet while flying lizards spew fire, I don't care. It'd be fun, so long as it's supplementing the core SciFi experience and not eating away at it.
    Madzai and LethalShade like this.
  16. Dreynguid

    Dreynguid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I voted "Science Fantasy, emphasis on the Science", but maybe I rather thought about "Science Fiction" or a mix of the two (if I see the descriptions on first page)... Fact is I allways think that things can be studied, more or less understood, and used.

    "Science Fiction" says : "unexplained elements should presumably be technology too complex for us to understand, and NOT magic."
    I'd say : "There are elements scientifically unexplainable today because totally unknown from us (like the force in Starwars), BUT be part of science in starbound." A new side of science.
  17. Lazogna

    Lazogna Contact!

    Sci-fi...obviously. I'd be pleased as punch if the psi(magic) staves were removed completely. It totally messes with the aesthetic.

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