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Road map!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Forever, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    Almost everything being worked on is on 90%

    The game is almost finished, but as Tiy said, it isn't a complete countdown lol.
  2. Nymz

    Nymz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Glad to see some progress. I can't waittt!
  3. Dagorran

    Dagorran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  4. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    That was commented on the Pre-o thread.
    If ALMOST everything is on 90%, then they could release it, fans would play it, see what is wrong with the game, make a poll of what things should be worked on, devs will foccuse on that and make it better faster. Soon or later (In a month, or up) the game would be fully created and ready to be launched.
    Starbound 0.1
    Water is coming out of my mouth now.
  5. Herdo

    Herdo Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know it's a mockup, but that crafting window looks amazing.


    The Tech looks amazing as well


    All hail Happy Cube!
    whatsup747 and Shippo like this.
  6. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    Is it just me or do the bright stars make out constellations? :unsure:
    MoonGeek and mollygos like this.
  7. MahBucket

    MahBucket Cosmic Narwhal

  8. kagenn

    kagenn Pangalactic Porcupine

    It seems like they have all the game mechanics implemented, but some are barely past implementation.
    I'm guessing it's gonna take a while to expand on them and test them out to see if it fits their end goal. I hope my other games can keep me engrossed long enough till Starbound comes out.

    That aside, plenty of screenshots for people to debate about with them features!
    nababoo likes this.
  9. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    so.... combat system anoyone? :unsure:
  10. MahBucket

    MahBucket Cosmic Narwhal

  11. Brixmon

    Brixmon Phantasmal Quasar

    So, being the freak that I am, I've calculated average percentages of completion for each field of work, as well as an overall completion percentage.
    World Gen: 95%
    Dungeons and Villages: 50%
    Creature Gen: 52.5%
    Core Mechanics: 92.5%
    Player Mechanics: 90%
    Server Stuff: 25%
    Quests and Missions: 30%
    User Interface: 77.27%
    Items: 72.5%
    Universe Gen: 78.3%

    Overall: 66.307%

    Don't be discouraged, not only are these rough, likely subjective estimates, but most of the important, most likely hardest parts of development are near completion. The only (big) one still really lacking is Quests and Missions. If this guesstimate is anything to go by, then we can tell Starbound is well on its way to release.
  12. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Man, remember way way back to that lighting demo? Was only a year ago but it feels like eons ago...

    That demonstration has nothing compared to how awesome the game looks now. And i know Ive said it time and again, but I wait for this game like Ive waited for the next big RARE title as a child of 4. :)
    You people have truly outshone everyones hopes for this game. And thats saying alot.
    Braxtrose, Shippo and WoxandWarf like this.

  13. This one's kind of a turnoff.
  14. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    This is going to play when I open the game:
    whatsup747 and Brixmon like this.
  15. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Your skyrim reference has shouted right though my screen, and sliced into my heart.
  16. The parallax shifting is quite impressive. Nice work we got going here! :DD
  17. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

  18. Kousaka

    Kousaka Void-Bound Voyager

    It's kind of necessary if you don't want people just plowing through dungeons, ignoring all the hazards and getting straight to the treasures with minimum effort.
    whatsup747, 11clock, Mopy and 9 others like this.
  19. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    We all want to.
  20. Brixmon

    Brixmon Phantasmal Quasar

    Must... resist... impulse...
    Must... not... make... reference... to...

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