OOC Planet H3R01CS, sign-up

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager

    Surname: N/A

    Age: 4

    Physical Appearance: A white female german sheperd with a scar across the bridge of her muzzle.

    Mental State ( 1 is sane, 10 is absolute bonkers ): 5

    Moral Inclination ( Full Hero, Anti Hero, Anti Villain, Full Villain ): Anti-Villain

    Power : http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Biological_Manipulation

    Weakness: Overexertion(Causes her body to cocoon on itself and enter a dormant state.) Extreme Cold (She has to slog off frost bitten flesh and find more flesh or Cocoon herself to heal.) Intense Radiation (Cell die and mutate in different ways than she planned.)

    Background ( state how you got your power, magical awakening, or genetic mutation at a certain age ): Honey was born to a set of dog breeders known as the Jones. When Honey was born she was going to be disposed of as the runt of the litter. The Jones were about to take her out back with a hammer when a capsule crashed into their barn, knocking the couple out. Honey walked into the barn, as a unknown force was drawing her in. As she arrived a thick yellowish blob sucked her and the Jones into it. She felt afraid but she felt like she needed to see this even as a puppy she wanted to see more. Be better and change her fate. She awoke and walked out of the cocoon in a human body with her canine head, she knew everything the Jones knew. She learned that her humans were going to kill her, she decided that she had enough and would use her new found power to make a paradise of her prey and her siblings. She would not let another human kill her kind. As she made this decision the only child of the jones walked out and screaming seeing her presents. With a simple touch she transformed him into Large werewolf-like creature before sending him out on his own. She entered the house and did the same to each and every one of her siblings, with her parents she turned them into two large egg like cocoons.

    She now calls herself honey after the yellow substance that has given her this new lease on life.
  2. Can I just go down the man hole? and forget that that guy was ever carrying me? becuase this is holding up rp.
  3. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It really feels like that is our only option here, or we die to the mist.
  4. ...I was gonna go down the hole in the first place, but the guy grabbed me..
  5. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If he hasn't disposed of your blue essence thingy then, I'd grab it and plop down the hole. Unless of course he specified that he is holding hella tight on the thingy thing. In which case, I'd ask phan.
  6. he said he gave it back..
  7. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I haven't been paying attention to the story really. But, if he gave it back, why are not down the manhole already?
  8. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    it is holding it up, first kazrion, then epsilon, and now Zin, where are all my RP members going! *cries in corner*
  9. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Gonna be possibly out of town for the holidays-hope everyone has a good thanksgiving.(that may also be the answer to your question, phanaton)

    Also, STILL waiting for New White!
  10. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    eh, give it a week or two Bolt, we'll have New White by then
  11. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    What are this?
  12. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    They quit???? :saywhat:
  13. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Kazrion was forced to exit the RP for an indefinite period of time, thanks to real life being... Well, real life.

    SilasLore(Epsilon) hasn't been online at all for about twelve days or so now.

    Rian121(Zin), on the other hand, hasn't been online since last tuesday.

    The reason for the first has been outright stated, but the later two is also likely thanks to real life being what it is.
    Al-so, I just posted.
  14. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    That's too bad :(
  15. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Looks like I'm still going to be in town-originally the whole family was supposted to go Californa for thanksgiving, but NCTC decided to pull a crock of bull and thus my younger bro is stuck here thanks to school, so I'm staying in town to keep him company.

    I hope Old Anarchis wraps up soon- I hate to admit it, but I'm getting sick of waiting...everybody is stuck in a serious crisis, with Animalicus as their only ally-the mist is EVERYWHERE, and among them is a total psychopath who plans to burn the refugees, blame it on a scrapegoat, and then NUKE the entire city while calling himself a "hero"(congrats on becoming a perfect example of the trope Complete Monster, LordFlame). Gosh dangit, I wanna help them!
  16. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    don't you mean batman copy think of it batman puts villains somewhere they will escape then captures them again putting people in danger when it could have simply have been avoided by putting them in a prison they wouldn't escape
  17. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Same here
    I mean, think about it
    Who's the most badass Bruce Lee like guy here?
    Wouldn't that be a help.
    Actually, wait.
    I'd nuke the ton myself.
  18. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Ok, sorry not sorry, NO DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO BATMAN. Batman does not purposely endanger civilians as a habit. Batman also wouldn't nuke an entire city. He'd also end up working with those whom can help when no other real option presents itself. Oh, and he's also REALLY intelligent... You fail in all counts. You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting... :lod:
    BoltCrank likes this.
  19. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    JUST. NO!!! Atleast with Hawkins, I would expect that from him and understand his reasons for doing it- but you are ploting to burninate serveral helpless innocents and commit mass genocide(i.e. setting off a FRIGGIN NUCLEAR WARHEAD on an ENTIRE CITY)- and also doing so for no justified reason whatsoever. Don't try to use the "Antihero" or "Anti Villian" labels cover it either: Batman fights crime harshly but usually doesn't kill people(and he sure AS HECK does not kill random civilians); likewise Mr. Freeze was a criminal, but he did so because his wife was struck with a terminal disease and his funding for cryogentic freezertech was cut short- he needed the rescources to find a cure. Edan shows neither traits, doesn't justify his actions, and is going commit mass homacide for the heck of it: let's just call this what it is- the trope/cliche "Complete Monster": a total psychopath who cares about nobody and feels no regret or remorse over killing innocents and commiting other acts that I rather not discuss on this forum.
  20. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    My name has been invoked.
    I have been summoned. What do you wanna see dead?
    But yeah, this is a topic I agree on, as a nerd of the highest level. (PROOF: I CAN SAY THE NAMES OF FOUR OF THE MOST UNKNOWN DC VILLAINS OF THE TOP OF MY HEAD)
    Batman, has been well known to NEVER apply fatal force, or even THREATEN to use fatal force, and actually mean it. (Unless you count Batman Unlimited. He used a gun then.)
    Meanwhile, dropping a friggin NUKE, is soooooooooooooo far in the opposite, that it hurts me

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