November 7th - All the things!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. TheKassuriBard

    TheKassuriBard Void-Bound Voyager

    Alright, so...diminishing returns. Now, I agree, the Minecraft mod just makes things more of a hassle. However, the basic concept of encouraging players to vary their diet to get the most out of it is something I agree with. My thought actually goes not to have it affect how filling an item is (if hunger returns as I hope it will), but rather how "satisfying" the food is. In real life, the enjoyable part of food is its flavour, something that doesn't translate well to game states without artificially imposing "this is what you like" rules on players, and even though I listed that as a possibility, even I consider it less than ideal. However, adding buffs to foods actually does give something that players can enjoy out of eating. Further, there's this sentiment...

    So, this is where my thoughts on diminishing returns comes in. You make the buffs on food substantial, but variable. Every time you eat something, it gets a number of "boredom points"...we'll say between one and three, just as arbitrary numbers for the sake of argument. The higher the BP, the weaker the buff for that food (reduced effects, shorter duration, etc...). However, eating any other food lowers the BP of everything else by one every time. So if you always eat the same thing - if you try to get just the "best" buff - it will stop benefiting you, but if you keep a diverse diet, you will have access to a wide array of useful bonuses.
  2. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    then my boredom points is automaxed at the start of the game, because I don't like "buffs" from foods. the only "buff" i'd want from food is a over time heal. I don't even like healing cooldown.
  3. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    There were some nice ideas thrown around, and from what I see on IRC too. I'd like a varied foodstuffs affecting different races differently and of different levels of quality, together with automated consumption of simplest, made in bulk edibles - that would take care of the chore of clicking to eat, but could have a side effect of leaving character weaker till some proper meal would be ordered at some NPC establishment or cooked and eaten. Would be also a step closer to survival scenarios of player character being stranded somewhere and subsiding on improvised, debuffing gruel made out of local flora.

    The hunger system is a good thing it should however be improved and built upon to be an enjoyable one, offering possibilities rather than completely deleted.

    I would be all for cooldowns though, especially if food would provide buffs - there should be stomach capacity limit so player will have to decide what to eat instead of just stuffing character will all kinds of stuff for one, big, combined and horrible when it comes to game's balance superbuff.
  4. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    ... am I going to be the only person who will miss the old hunger mechanic? I kinda liked that my character got hungry and had to eat. Gave me a little sense of immersion.
  5. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    no, you aren't the only one, more than half this thread is with you on that but trying to find a compromise with the few that aren't.

    I liked some of that as a compromise, and food cooldown is ok because it's digesting, i don't want food buffs beyond healing, buffs belong in stims or potions, and I don't like cooldowns on pure healing items that aren't food.
  6. SweenMachine

    SweenMachine Big Damn Hero

    This. A thousand times this. I love how new avenues are being explored, but I'm afraid this is the start of losing the "lone survivor vs the universe" feel I've been expecting. If you end up going this route, please at least make the old hunger system (with the properties that Ssuper8 describes above) a toggleable option, akin to 'Hardcore Mode' in New Vegas.
  7. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    Some of that was already in the game though. there were certain foods that only a certain race could eat without getting poisoned. Didnt stop me from having them in my farm though just for the completionist aspect.

    And theres an important bit of news. FARMING IS NOT GONE FROM THE GAME. Stone hoes and axes are gone, but you can craft a hoe at an anvil with copper and wood, and from there till and plant seeds. It still amounts to a pointless exercise because food currently does nothing, but yes, you can still do it. At least as of the current patch.
  8. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Today's diffs: nothing in the assets. If there's a change, it's in the executable itself.
  9. mo'guts

    mo'guts Big Damn Hero

    I liked the survival element hunger brought to the table, but it was only really a challenge for the first 10 minutes (if that) then I'm basically sorted with a farm and loads of alien meat.
    Hunger might be good as a "hardcore" option? probably not that big of a deal for me though, happy to replace eating food for the sake of not dying with buffs instead.
    Nightlys are fun!
  10. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Another aspect I've been meaning to ask about: are resources going to stay as plentiful as they currently are in the stable build?
    Because I was certain it was made so so that beta testers could progress.more quickly and access the new content. I remember it was even said "don't get used to it, it's only for the beta".
    Can anyone who plays the nightlies inform me how abundant ores and food is there?
    Darian Stephens likes this.
  11. Idlemind

    Idlemind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They should leave the hunger system in.. what's next, remove the need for warmth too?

    If anything it'd be cool to see a more complex survival system per race.. with debuffs if the need isn't addressed.

    Avians can eat seeds directly and are more susceptible to cold.
    Floran's need to go to the surface occasionally for photosynthesis and take a swim occasionally to avoid debuffs.
    Hylotl need to swim occasionally (more than Florans)
    Glitch have access to crafting recipes for batteries and can consume minerals.. (or go full Bender and make them require alcoholic beverages lol)

    I would like to see the racial armour bonuses just changed to racial bonuses, that turn on when the above (or similar) needs are met.

    We already have an arcade like game in the same genre.. please don't dumb down your game to cater to the lowest common denominator.. that's not what you're doing now but it always sucks to see when it does happen.
  12. Mranti

    Mranti Void-Bound Voyager

    Its to bad the hunger system is being banished. Might as well remove farming, hunting, and food all together and just give us potions. As of this day Starbound has turned away from the fun game it was and basically became Terraria in space.
  13. oOFrostByteOo

    oOFrostByteOo Aquatic Astronaut

    Please keep hunger in the game. Not once was i annoyed by it. It was a large part of immersion, just like getting cold. It felt good to get back to my little shack with its little fire and sit down and cook some food. It felt good to finally get my farm up and running and knowing I had a stable income of food.
    What I don't want is to come home and sit and have an empty meaningless fire burning just for effect, and food stores that are totally unnecessary other than they give a small "buff".
    Darian Stephens, Treequil and mo'guts like this.
  14. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Are you at all serious? I'm leaning towards "no".

    Edit: I suppose I should explain myself even though the chance of anybody who concerns this (such as you, Mranti) reading this edit in full is next to zero. The last part of your post implies (to me at least) that "farming, hunting, and food all together" is either already or certain to soon be removed. I have it on very, very good authority, the very news post that started this thread among them, that they are not, in fact, removing these things. You sound incredibly fatalistic, giving up on a game entirely on rumor and hard-to-follow (excuses for) discussion alone. At least, that's what it seems like to me.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
    eksynn likes this.
  15. Warped Perspectiv

    Warped Perspectiv Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm glad hunger got removed.
    And I have to ask, will energy cost be reduced alongside damage? I mean if the single handed guns are going to do less damage, it only makes sense they would also have a lower energy cost. I mean if they keep it the same to where it's no different than if you were shooting a single weapon instead of dual wielding, then what's the point? If damage will be dropped to compensate for possibility of shooting 2 guns, so should energy cost.

    Edit: Seriously. if I wanted a "realistic" game where I had to ensure my character's needs are met, I'd go play the Sims. The hunger bar is nothing but a chore and doesn't add anything challenging to the game. Buffs and debuffs make more sense overall. Starbound is less of a survival game and more of an exploration game.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
    Dunto likes this.
  16. GorunNova

    GorunNova Pangalactic Porcupine

    I liked the old hunger system... even though I thought it counted down a little too fast sometimes. ^^ How about a hunger system that only decreases very slowly over time... but whose consumption rate increases depending on what you're doing? Run around a lot, fight lots of baddies, need more food. For those who hate the hunger system, maybe remove the fatal outcome of not eating as an option, and instead a 'hungry' debuff?

    Plus... cannister based underwater / vacuum breathing systems sound incredibly awesome to me, plusO2 refilling stations that either refill or dispense cannisters?
  17. AbsoluteZero101

    AbsoluteZero101 Void-Bound Voyager

    This is it right here. It's not that it makes it useless, in fact it is just a time waster currently, it does need changes. What I disagree with are the changes they are making. I think that the buff system is not really needed, they have stims, why can't they use that as the buff system and just overhaul and balance the hunger system? Make it optional like other games have (aka New Vegas) and make it less annoying (see above posts). The argument I have against the buff system is that its unnecessary in games like Skyrim, it wasn't needed, and Starbound as it is now it isn't needed either. Food would just waste space in my inventory personally, like potions are in Skyrim, and others have claimed the same.
  18. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Tamorr and Higuera like this.
  19. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Darian Stephens likes this.
  20. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    we're not asking for super realistic, we're asking for survival with a simple hunger bar!

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