November 7th - All the things!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. TheKassuriBard

    TheKassuriBard Void-Bound Voyager

    It's funny to me that Skyrim is being brought up as a bad food system. Not because it isn't, but because it's actually the exact example I thought of and didn't say. Good a game as Skyrim is/was, food is the one thing that was always a waste of space in that game. It functioned like potions, only with less useful effects, and the good varieties (which were still not as good as even most low-end potions) were a pain to make. Meanwhile, another Bethesda-owned franchise, Fallout, had come out with a "hardcore mode" one year earlier, which while not perfect made food actually a valuable thing to collect, and was able to be toggled on or off, rewarding players who could stick with it, but not forcing them to use it. Yes, New Vegas was outsourced to Obsidian, and the two were probably in development at the same time, but it still feels like Bethesda should have known about the system being developed for their sister project, and dropped the ball in not using it too. That is pretty much what I fear is going to happen to Starbound.

    Just to blink back to the New Vegas system for a moment as well, it actually did what a lot of people have suggested here, myself included. Food in Hardcore was needed, but it also had effects, which meant you got benefits from using it aside from just "not dying". Certain foods also had drawbacks, like cans of Pork & Beans being exceptionally filling, but also increasing dehydration, or Nuka Cola reducing the need to sleep, but being a bit radioactive. It was also a toggle system, that let you take just the buffs if you wanted, but rewarded you for sticking with it. As I said above, it wasn't perfect, the benefits could have been more varied, the rates could have been slowed, and it could have just generally had some fine-tuning here and there. However, it was a good system, and would make an excellent jumping-off point for Chucklefish to design a system for Starbound that works for everyone. Make foods have a crazy variety of buffs. Make them have drawbacks. Make it where foods that some races can eat are inedible to others, or make them sick (debuffs), or aren't at all satisfying (no buffs), or any combination of those things. Make foods have diminishing returns if you eat the same thing too many times in a row (similar to the Minecraft mod "Spice of Life"), and/or let each character get a randomly assigned group of favourite/hated foods that give extra/decreased effects when eaten. Make it so you don't need to have hunger on, but death penalties are reduced, or pixel drops higher, or other survival aspects in some way more forgiving (maybe based on hunger level) if you do. That, and/or change the way hunger works so that it isn't an "or die" but a reward for fullness/penalty for starving.

    Basically, my point is that there's a lot of ways that you can make hunger into a more fleshed-out system, and just turning food into a reskin of an existing item and scrapping mechanics seems like a major the risk of sounding over-critical and harsh, more like something that's done because it's easier, rather than because it's better.
  2. Akari_Enderwolf

    Akari_Enderwolf Pangalactic Porcupine

    ugh, not the "Spice of Life" mod. Honestly just because you eat the same food a lot does not mean it will get less filling over time! 10 steaks of the same size will fill you up the same ammount no matter what. I only ever used that mod for Minecraft in the crash landing modpack, and I disabled it's diminishing returns thing since to me diminishing returns sounds like a bad way to make people use different foods. Also, I think if favorite/hated foods WAS added, then the player should get to define them, rather than have the game be like "your character hates this food that you like making the most in the game"

    I personally, don't think foods should give debuffs aside from the racial foods(like the metal ones for organic races unable to process metal) Personally I don't think they should give strong buffs either.

    I don't even know why people want diminishing returns on food anyway.
  3. tomcatfort

    tomcatfort Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the hunger system very much. It adds very much to survival and exploration. It should stay or at last be toggle-able.
    Naun and Treequil like this.
  4. ezkiel

    ezkiel Orbital Explorer

    HA i bet they didn't expect such respond from those food changes but i am actually happy with them. The hunger system as it was, nothing more then annoyance in form of flashing screen, that doom countdown has started unless i hit my food button couple of times. Food items ware too easy to get and farm up while their use was singular. But i can see how some people might love it.
    Best solution IMO would be to make 2 mods of game play normal and survival. But they should really work a bit on this survival part and extend it a bit, there was already plenty suggestions on how in this thread.
    But somehow i wonder if Starbound crew have time to bother with additions like that...
    Treequil likes this.
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Meanwhile, on IRC...
    <metadept> the farming needs one or two additional mechanics to make it more interesting
    <metadept> not sure what they'll be though
    <Kawa> Like... a hunger bar? :D
    <metadept> what, were you a fan of the hunger bar?
    <Kawa> I'm joking.
    <Kawa> I'm in the "hungry debuff" camp.
    <metadept> ah
    <Kawa> Don't eat for too long and you get a debuff until you eat something again, but you don't starve over time.
    <metadept> that's reasonable
    <metadept> we've talked about that
    <metadept> decided to just go with well fed buffs for now
    <metadept> might put in a hungry debuff at some point
    <metadept> dunno
    M_Sipher, Fatal Glitch and Dagger7 like this.
  6. Fatal Glitch

    Fatal Glitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The temple is great and all but where do i post crash reports? I am still being crashed on random planets and random locations from spawns. Other than that, the planets I have been able to explore are great!
  7. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    That's to be expected, really.

    They seemed set on their way. Glad they listened to you though.
    TheKassuriBard likes this.
  8. Fatal Glitch

    Fatal Glitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ok from what I understand from this, and agree with, is that the community wants to keep farming usable and have the option to starve ;P

    Darian Stephens and eksynn like this.
  9. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I hope though that rather than just settling for one idea, metadept or someone else will take some time to go through the whole thread. Otherwise, I can see how your post may be quickly construed as 'Want to be heard? Go to IRC and flood developers with all your ideas there!'.
    Darian Stephens and Treequil like this.
  10. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Not really. Metadept was a Starbound modder once, so I guess he still maintains radio contact with the modding community through several channels.
  11. Unclever title

    Unclever title Cosmic Narwhal

    Playing in the latest nightly the 2nd planet I beamed down on (first lvl 2 planet) I was in the middle of an Avian temple and under immediate fire by the guards.
    6 or 7 deaths later I managed to run out of the temple and hide myself in a dirt barrier.

    After that I could face them 1 or 2 at a time (instead of 4-6) I began taking them out pretty well, even with just first tier iron equipment. The shield is VERY effective when timing the blocks well (got a lot of practice).
    Ended with an awesome 2-handed gun and an awesome 1 handed sword, in terms of DPS they were tier 3 equivalent. Well that's comparing it to the race weapons a player can craft normally.

    Overall I am having a lot of fun, Chucklefish. I think these changes are working for the better. I particularly love the new status effects.
  12. AbsoluteZero101

    AbsoluteZero101 Void-Bound Voyager

    I personally think that would be fun. But like Sales_Kital mentioned, not everyone would agree. But something more like the New Vegas style of food system would be ideal. It would appeal to the survivalists, but something that you could toggle so people who don't like it don't have to put up with it. It could also be modded like Minecraft was to give the more extreme options added to it. Lets just hope they actually go through these threads, and/or listen to what has been said....
    Treequil likes this.
  13. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I still don't see how any of this makes farming less "usable" than it was before. Hell, I've got MORE incentive to use a wide variety of farmables now, assuming the buffs and status changes are interesting and useful.
  14. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    'the maze runner', anyone? =D
    Treequil and BloodyFingers like this.
  15. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    I get where you are coming from, but after the novelty wears off, I see people sticking with only the best buffs for the rest of the game, if at all.

    Gah, the heck happened to your face?! O-o
    wait, is that a novakid without a brand? And with hair?
    no seriously, how did you change it? Gravatar?
    Darklight likes this.
  16. Fatal Glitch

    Fatal Glitch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    yay char and ship wipe....
  17. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    what do you mean? the avatar? xD
    yeah i used gravatar. but i can't make it smaller to show my whole body D: so i had to clip it a little bit =<
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  18. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    So... exactly like food is now, then?

    I mean, once you find a food that actually fills your hunger bar decently in one chawmp, why would you bother farming any of the others other than aesthetics? I don't think I've eaten anything that wasn't Oculemon Stew in months. Why would I bother with bread or any of the raw vegetables?

    And even making the stew or bread is more effort than you really need to put in to keep hunger at bay. You can pretty much subsist on whatever starter-plant you've got and not worry about running out.

    Again... I'm not seeing how this makes farming "useless".
  19. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    I ate whatever I had in my inventory, didn't bother to find a "perfect recipe". And for healing, bandages then red stimpacks. And I never said it made farming useless. In fact, few have said that. What was said, however, is that farm was made largely unnecessary.

    Hunting with a bow also became almost unnecessary because mobs would sometimes drop meat regardless. It didn't made the bow useless, but it did render it disposable.

    [edit] Alright, power's back on. Anyway, if someone said farming was "useless" now that hunger is out, they probably are either a fan of survival or any buffs that food may give is largely inconsequential to them as they might not play Starbound as an adventurer, but rather a builder.

    Actually, how necessary will these buffs be anyway? Is Starbound going to become so difficult that you need those in order to stay alive for long? Because the last time I played it, a decent armor and weapon were enough to handle even the bosses. Sure, now that they are going to be fought on instanced dungeons, the odds might be worse for us. But how worse exactly?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
    Darian Stephens and Treequil like this.
  20. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    This here is a valid point. However, for me it'd rather speak for making food having bigger role in the game, rather than smaller. With certain variation, making edibles less accessible (somehow fauna on multitude of different worlds with different biology and evolutionary paths is easily edible to everyone) the survival aspect would benefit. The main problem with hunger is that right now, all edibles are just some random fuel to eat to avoid dying sudden starvation.

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