More Combat stuff

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. bozzarr

    bozzarr Aquatic Astronaut

    for the spears just add ability which will immobilise you and put the blunt end to the ground , it will act as a way of blocking a charging enemy , make secondary attack the "defensive" stance.
  2. Kyu Rizu

    Kyu Rizu Void-Bound Voyager

    Sounds to boring for me, i like to throw my spear mid range. (thinking about having 3-5 spear in my hotbar, throw them all in a row and picking them up again after.)
  3. Jety Lefr

    Jety Lefr Pangalactic Porcupine

    The issue I have with a mechanic like that, is that there are already so many thrown weapons, and I think trying to bridge the gap between melee and ranged in one weapon would just allow the spear to have to great an advantage over the other melee weapons.
  4. Windcaller

    Windcaller Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looks interesting.
  5. Faira

    Faira Subatomic Cosmonaut

    IMHO Spears are useless. they are slow & have the worse attack. & you say they are overpowered???? guns & all related need a major overhaul as this is a Sci-Fi game they a deadly slow. And we use medeival weapons? Come ooooon.
  6. Terriculum9

    Terriculum9 Void-Bound Voyager

    i don't know if anyone asked this but are they thinking about adding Psi ability's or techs? because i would love to see some telekinesis, As in barrier shields, push, slams (witch ive seen some monsters have) and a physio explosion witch would have to be charged up.

    can't wait for the new patch to come out. thanks for all the hard work Chucklefish!
  7. Zelen

    Zelen Void-Bound Voyager

    Can you buff the fire and poison damage to the tier too? that'll be great cause now only spark damage is buffed even on the tier 10 fire and poison only do 3 dmg kinda lame..
  8. RoninDude

    RoninDude Void-Bound Voyager

    A neat weather/hazard for planets would be earthquakes.
    Screen would shake, a rumble sound would occur, and perhaps some sort of knockback physic that would cause the character to be thrown around when in contact with the ground (strength of knockback dependent on strength of earthquake). Maybe it wouldn't do damage on its own, but it would certainly cause the player to lose some control as they were being tossed about.
    Some other ideas for a quake would be perhaps some alteration to land mass, such as fissures, cave collapsing, damage to structures, etc, all based on strength of earthquake.
  9. monsto

    monsto Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Aside from balancing damage with the aiming, how about if spears stun enemies? Not some kinda forever tho, just enough to put some distance between you and the enemy.

    It could be tied directly to swing speed. Slower atk = longer stun, fast atk = shorter stun. swing speed could be used as a divisor to the stun time. If 1.0 swing speed = 400 ms stun, then 2.0 swing = 200 ms stun. The thinking being that a lighter more agile weapon doesn't have the oomph. With the numbers i present, an atk per sec of .40 = 1sec of stun... and personally I've never seen anything slower than .52

    My numbers are merely for illustration. Wouldn't even need a new sprite animation. Do a color animation... Throb darker (or lighter) during the stun effect.

    This could also be added as a freeze effect to cold based weapons. An effect measured in seconds instead of milliseconds. For boss-types, have them immune to 1 sec right off the top of the effect. In this way they'd never be stunned by a spear, but could be frozen by cold.
  10. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    I think there should be a small delay between hitting a monster and it reacting, it's only natural.
    Very happy about directional hitting. The game was very unfair fighting flying monsters before.
  11. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    I agree entirely with this post, every bit of it, as well I think that shortswords axes etc. do not need a secondary attack for three reasons:
    1. These are one handed weapons that provide the user the option of carrying a shield or light or some other useful thing, therefore the one handed weapons already have (sort of) a secondary move (Block, illuminate, Eat, etc.)
    2. One handed weapons being one handed allow for duel wielding of similar weapons. Having two attacks for one handed weapons would provide users with a) shield + sword = two attacks and a block (three different "moves") or b) sword + sword = 4 DIFFERENT ATTACKS... wow!
    3. This is something that has been touched on already, with 2 handed weapons there are 2 mouse buttons one for each hand and so it is easy to add secondary moves. With one handed weapons you have 1 mouse button, using the other mouse button: "How do we decide whether to use a secondary attack or whatever happens to be in our other hand" or using a different key and holding 2 one handed weapons "How do we decide whether to use the right secondary attack or the left secondary attack"?
    BlueSmoke likes this.
  12. MariSama

    MariSama Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Can any devs give a status update on biome/grass regeneration? Pleeeeaseeee?

    In relation to the actual update, spears are useful for small holes in the wall where a monster is hiding, nothing more. I would be happy to see the spear able to be thrown, too as a high power attack. Spinning may also be fun as some other posters suggested.

    I also am enjoying the idea of blocking with a sword, because I honestly never get a chance to use my shield. I vote for more powerful one-handed weapons, or at least more versatile ones if the two-handed weapons don't have some kind of counter/block added in.
  13. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    For spears, throwing and spinning attacks both sound awesome. I'd be okay with just having a reduced range of motion on spears, so you'd only be able to aim 30 degrees up or down. If all else fails then their damage will likely have to be nerfed a lot. :(
  14. belgariad87

    belgariad87 Title Not Found

    Like these ideas a lot. All for it. If we have a psi-staff, i think we should have some sort of event or rare dungeon that gives psi-power tech.
  15. Ruko

    Ruko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm all for throwing spears, would it be possible to remove the item from your inventory when thrown and then produce the same item for pickup again at the impact site? I'm afraid this wouldn't be possible with randomly generated spears.
  16. ThePenguinNich

    ThePenguinNich Big Damn Hero

    Okay everyone, put your guns in the bin and say goodbye, we won't be needing them where we're going.

    But in all seriousness, guns are too weak as is, and it seems the majority of the combat update will the dealing with melee. Guns desperately need a buff, and not just a better chance of finding one. It doesn't matter if the dirty garbage is common or uncommon, no one wants garbage! Most people just play through the game with melee, and the only guns I see used are pistols, and even then they are used to pepper the enemy before killing them with the sword. This is a sci-fi game for Pete's sake!

    But besides that, everything looks nice, just more attention to the guns would be cool.
    Gunslinger likes this.
  17. Tiy

    Tiy Lead Developer Chucklefish

    I'll be looking into guns next :)
  18. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    and lemons...? :notworthy:
  19. Xilo

    Xilo Subatomic Cosmonaut

    spear secondary attack could be a braced stance to basically let the enemy charge into your weapons tip, or some kind of counter attack. but yeah now that it can be aimed the damage on it should be a bit lower.
  20. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Hehe goooood, finally all guns will have a use... really satsified if combat turns into that system which it seems to turn into. Alot more serious and alot more skill required... and in general more options, thats definitly something positiv.

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