How about that character creation?

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by DeVoid, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    I was just wondering how character creation would be handled in Starbound. Possibly like Terraria's or more in depth?
    Zawrus likes this.
  2. PokemonAce101

    PokemonAce101 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm hoping for custom colors, as well as heads, race, (alien,human, pengiun) and personal info (like home planet, Etc.)
    That would be awesome!
    saracresp and Zawrus like this.
  3. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    More in depth! Like Ace said races! Personal Info looks really sick ;)!
    ` John
  4. PokemonAce101

    PokemonAce101 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I said something good?
    thx bra ;)
    friendswhogetexcited likes this.
  5. Metasight

    Metasight Void-Bound Voyager


    Oh yeah, personal info would be really cool~ Im imagining some kind of "person identificator laser thingy" that identifies people on Multiplayer servers
    Zawrus and PokemonAce101 like this.
  6. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    I would support and lobby for a playable penguin option, just saying.
  7. Mercury Gilado

    Mercury Gilado Existential Complex

    I think the custom races should be in, no question. After all, who said your home planet was for humans?
    Zawrus likes this.
  8. qxp

    qxp Tentacle Wrangler

    custom races would be awesome. I def want to personalize my character to the maximum.
    Zawrus likes this.
  9. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    Custom races would be pretty good. Although what's gonna stop people from making racist versions of races? (IE someone making a Asian looking race and labelling it "Gook" on a multiplayer server?)
    friendswhogetexcited and Zawrus like this.
  10. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Lots of hairstyles. Particularly, a pretty, long hairstyle.

    In a world that's procedurally generated with tons of items that are procedurally generated, I'd have to have everyone looking so similar.

    Zawrus likes this.
  11. PokemonAce101

    PokemonAce101 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well in terraria you can make your character black and name him/her "black person". It depends on whos playing. Not all people are racist/sexist
  12. Sethaniel

    Sethaniel Void-Bound Voyager

    Aye, and beards. Starbound is in dire need of beards.
    friendswhogetexcited likes this.
  13. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    Turtle Shells!

    ... c'mon. Y'know you wanna...
  14. DeVoid

    DeVoid Void-Bound Voyager

    I can just picture my epic, braided, Nordic beard now... Ahh... That will be some nice Viking-Space-Pirating.
    Sethaniel likes this.
  15. ToxicArcher

    ToxicArcher Aquatic Astronaut

    I just wanna quiver and a super long epic beard, thats all i ask

    DeVoid likes this.
  16. Ryfyle

    Ryfyle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just want to Have Cybernetic Eyes and a well tattered Duster, In fact just be a Cyber Skeleton In a partially Shredded Duster.
  17. Zawrus

    Zawrus Master Chief

    Well, developers, as you guys see, EVERYONE loves a lot of customization options. I don't know why developers never invest into customization. Well, but Starbound is going different: Enemies, weapons, world, EVERYTHING custom! But, I wanna see character preferences...
    PokemonAce101 and DeVoid like this.
  18. Sethaniel

    Sethaniel Void-Bound Voyager

    Is the quiver by any chance for you to put your beard in, so that it's all warm and snug?
    DeVoid likes this.
  19. Palladion

    Palladion Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm just hoping for really neat hairstyles, really. :>
  20. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    While that is true i think that the owner should get the option to not allow people with certain names on his or her server. 'Course though i'm preaching to the choir, the devs most likely have thought of this. But if they haven't, it's what i most definetly want when they patch it. I don't want to play Starbound and worry all the time of some random Racist screaming "HAIL HITLER!" on the server i'm playing on.

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