Energy Based Shields

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by Daitenshi, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

    For all your damage negating, effect stopping needs!

    Equip able shields that act as a particular modifier against specific damage or environmental hazards.

    They only appear when needed, like to stop a bullet or that nasty glass shard/sand storm!

    They come in several lovely colors so you can accessorize with your armor!

    Come on guys I need help. Help me elaborate!
  2. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    Yeah I could definetly image myself having an energy shield. Maybe we could have different shields: One to breath underwater, one that protects you from bullets and one that protects from melee damage? Maybe even some that reflect the attack.
  3. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams

  4. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    Shields to protect your base would also be cool. So your friends don't annoy you with orbital strikes all the time :p
    But I think even a shield could't protect you from that laser. So many options...
  5. FireDrake204

    FireDrake204 Pangalactic Porcupine

    So this energy shield, would it negate all damage to your actual health or just reduce the amount taken? I would prefer that it soaks up all damage until it runs out of energy. If I had to make a comparison, the only one I could think of would be a Halo-styled energy shield. Stops all incoming damage until you have no energy left, and needs to recharge. But nice idea, you've got my support.
  6. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    A halo style shield sounds like a good idea and yes it should't soak up infinte damage that would be overpowered.
  7. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    Maybe you could modify your shield a bit.
    either it soaks up a lot of damage, but has low energy and is used up quickly,
    or it only blocks part of the damage, and lasts much longer!
  8. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    So many possibilities.
  9. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love possibilities! They make a game more fun!
    Ecchiholic likes this.
  10. gejiryu

    gejiryu Big Damn Hero

    There could be shields that pushes enemies back if they touch you :D
  11. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    This could come in handy for ranged fighters, maybe too handy!
  12. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe the push could have a small cooldown, so after you have pushed an enemy away you're vunerable for a short time.
  13. gejiryu

    gejiryu Big Damn Hero

    Or could use a high amount of energy...

    Also some sort of flaming shield that burns enemies that touch it, this one use REALLY big quantities of energy.
  14. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yes, or even shields that knocks enemys back, but drain your health! For a ranged fighter they would still be better than nothing, since you're granted the time to escape!
  15. gejiryu

    gejiryu Big Damn Hero

    Eww, starcloak came to my head and a sudden idea of a burst attack coming down from the sky when something touches the shield.
  16. Ecchiholic

    Ecchiholic Cosmic Narwhal

    No orbital strike? :(
  17. gejiryu

    gejiryu Big Damn Hero

    It could be one orbital strike, Much weaker of course ;)
  18. pheonix1901

    pheonix1901 Zero Gravity Genie

    As far as energy based shields go, a portable shield (I'm gonna use Starwars references, sorry if I offend) like the Gunguns carry would be useful for deflecting melee and ranged, but you are not always guaranteed to defend with it, and it does not require energy. This shield could still be damaged though from lots of impacts, but it would not drain any energy you have. A full body-generated shield similar to what Droidekas use in Starwars requires tremendous amounts of energy, but are extremely durable and will turn off automatically when firing. A lower energy shield of this type will deflect glancing shots and lessen straight-on hits, and also allow for combat without powering down.
  19. Aidoboy

    Aidoboy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    BoUnCy ShEiLdS!
  20. Madmarlon

    Madmarlon Pangalactic Porcupine

    My head's smoking. To much ideas and possibilities! Auto restart...

    Ok, I'm back. Good ideas you have there. We will see what the devs will include in this aspect!
    pheonix1901 likes this.

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