[Enemy] MC Square

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Seiga, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    The MC Square is a tricky little bugger. They tend to spend their spare time floating around aimlessly, resembling jellyfish in the way they move.

    Their main body is a metal cube atop a smaller base, out of which the wires that move to provide propulsion hang. Their body contains four indentical "faces" on the sides, and the top face has a steadily burning flare. They remain in this state until an adventurer draws close, at which point they become super excited.

    Countdown Phase

    When an adventurer adventures too close, the MC Square's facial expression changes. They eagerly, but somewhat slowly, approach the adventurer. The flare on their head grows more violent in its burning, and a small beeping noise goes off every so often. The beeping will become faster and they will pursue the player until the countdown has finished, at which point they self destruct.

    Dealing With Them

    Unfortunately, they possess a shield that absorbs all damage until their own self destruction. Furthermore, the damage you do to them whilst they are counting down will be converted into explosive energy. The more you hit them before they explode, the stronger the resulting explosion. Radius remains pretty constant. A non-damage affected explosion is the smallest, does almost negligible damage and can be blocked easily. Higher level explosions have a chance of breaking guards and possibly a bone or two.

    Low level explosions also do no damage to terrain, higher level explosions run the risk of leaving little craters as parting gifts.

    The Catch

    So of course, you'd think you'd want to avoid them altogether. However you might still want to deal some damage to them for two reasons.

    First all of they are pretty heavily affected by any weapon knockback, which may prove useful in escaping their explosive range.

    Second of all, the energy and mass their shield absorbs is not only converted into their explosive energy, but also into what remains of them afterwards. In other words, the more you hit them before they explode, the better the loot they will leave behind.

    Misc Warnings

    • Before engaging in combat, decide whether you wish to take the safe route or the riskier, more profitable one.
    • They are not that attentive. If you see one, do not panic, it has probably not seen you. Consider alerting allies to pack more mass-energy into its potential loot.
    • Do not attempt to hit it from below with your head. This accomplishes nothing.
  2. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    Every game needs its bomb class monster!
  3. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    ....I'm listening.....

    I just wish there was SOMEWAY of killing them without them exploding. Maybe all attacks do 1 damage instead of 0?
  4. The green wire... damn, we need new bomb defusing robots.
  5. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    All things considered I do expect these things to be kind of a rare occurrence in most places. Kind of like a risky lottery. It's not like you're going to have swarms of exploding enemies on you, that's not fun.
  6. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    Put them in a Dyson Sphere!
  7. Sol Pruina

    Sol Pruina Over 9000!!!

    NO! That's too OP!
  8. King Toad

    King Toad Cosmic Narwhal

    It seems like it would be a real pain if you encountered one early on, and I have a few thoughts on it:
    • possibly douse them with water to put out the flare and allow you to attack it without its shield interfering. Wouldn't give very powerful loot but would allow you to have an alternative way to deal with them, even though it would be impractical.
    • Attach to you if you remain in contact with it for too long, allowing it to explode on you without you being able to escape.(Use water to remove it?)
    • At night have the flare a different color, helping to prevent them from sticking out too much and being easy targets.
  9. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you encounter one early on chances are you're not going to do much damage to it. Thus, it will not do that much damage to you.

    This is the one thing I must fervently disagree with. That sounds far too frustrating.
  10. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    how do you draw these?
  11. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  12. Lumberjack_Liam

    Lumberjack_Liam Existential Complex

    lol! i mean what program
  13. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    So basically a flying robotic creeper.
  14. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Paint Tool Sai, yo

    Not really. Creepers didn't invent explosions. One of a creeper's primary purposes is causing damage to terrain and buildings, something that MC2 doesn't do unless you give it enough of a power boost. You could try drawing parallels between cubes and things having faces though? I dunno.

    You can think of it that way if you want.
  15. A.N.T.I.

    A.N.T.I. Spaceman Spiff

    I didn't mean that, I just meant that his face looks like a creepers, and it explodes.
  16. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I do believe I like this idea. I could see them being involved in puzzles. Perhaps you cannot dig through certain types of rock, but a properly charged MC Square CAN. Just knock him into a wall with a shotgun blast at the last second. Aesthetically, it looks alright, though part of me feels the flame and dangly wires are not needed. Or... oh ye gods. Maybe the dangly wires signify that it was part of something bigger before it's head popped off. The flame is... alright I guess, but if it's supposed to be a robot, why is it flaming? A fountain of sparks would be amusing though, and better signify it's excitement, as well as it's bomb like nature, like some creepy cheap festive toy from china or japan.
  17. snakedysnake

    snakedysnake Astral Cartographer

    yeah i always wanted to dodge an onslaught of enemies, caves' and these things (Im serious)
  18. Seiga

    Seiga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Addressing these points, anyone is welcome to suggest aesthetic changes in text or image form. I encourage it, even.
  19. Tmonster

    Tmonster Phantasmal Quasar

    I agree i'm a bomb man my self.
    Look at my regular pose:
  20. You know what would suck? If this little bugger can camouflage as any block in the world. When you smack it [or step on it?] with your [digging tool]/foot, countdown starts, and it flies up and tries to hug you. Oh dear god, Creeper Ghasts.

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