Digital Carl Sagan quotes abound [Cyan's Art Thread]

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Cyan the Red, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    Hi there! Some of you may know me from Terraria Online, but for those who don't, pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm Cyan, and golly gee do I sure love hopping on hype trains about cool games! Here's my first offering to this shrine of stars and spaceships:


    I'll probably update this later with some more art later, but if there's something you'd like to see specifically I'll see what I can do.

    If there's something in particular you'd really want to see, ask me about commissions!

    We embarked on our journey to the stars with a question first framed in the childhood of our species and in each generation asked anew with undiminished wonder: What are the stars? Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.
    -Carl Sagan​
  2. Rage

    Rage Space Penguin Leader

    OH MY GAWD! Cyan The Red is here :D :D
    May I have it? As a request. Set in a spaceship, wielding an excalibur (preferably the one in terraria) If not, just do the picture and do whatever you want with it.
  3. Crystan

    Crystan Maverick Hunter

    Love the Background
  4. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    At some point I may have a request, but the parts I need aren't done yet, and I see you already have a request from Rage over there and I wish for you to do that first.
  5. TenaciousTinkerer

    TenaciousTinkerer Cosmic Narwhal

    The starrrsss, the penguinssss, the sunglassesss, everything looks awesome o 3 o.
    Crystan likes this.
  6. Hey guys! Dang, thanks for the positive reactions. I always appreciate it~ ;3
    Now, for the next few days I'm gonna be traveling (y'know, jet-set lifestyle and all that) so I might not have much time to work on this. But for now, have a quick sketchy type thingie for the road!
    Strife, Angry Muffin, nababoo and 4 others like this.
  7. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Wow! That's amazzzzing. I'd like to request a Hytotl, whatever it's called, with a mini pet chippo on his shoulder. Do whatever scene, posture, weapon, armour whatever. :p
  8. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    More great artists.
    why can't I do shiz like this :lod:
  9. Whoo, here we go!!
    Huntrex, Spectr, Noc and 2 others like this.
  10. Galactic Mindswipe

    Galactic Mindswipe Giant Laser Beams

    Can I has one? Use the guy in my avatar (click it for a bigger image) and have him holding the hover-gun thingy that they use to build and a half-finished building. You can have him doing whatever you want.
  11. Pestilence

    Pestilence Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i love you
  12. King Toad

    King Toad Cosmic Narwhal

    'ello again Cyan, seems your artwork is still as good if not better than what it was.
  13. This'll be featured in Vector Squared! Nice artwork, too. Frosty atmosphere :DD
  14. We interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you a word from our sponsors!

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    Well, now that Seiga got an honorable mention, you can have all these things, and more! With the Thinking Cap.
    Warning: Side effects of the Thinking Cap may include xenogenocide, increased cognitive abilities, ability to read your own mind, uncontrollable dancing, kawaii clothing, and an inability to fit through doors.

    Anyway, I guess this is a congratulations of sorts to Seiga, who says that now he and I are equal on the whole contest-winning front. To that I say, I dunno, man, does yours have its own emoticon? :mindwurm: hohohoho
    Strife, Maunokki, zooey and 2 others like this.
  15. Good Great amazing FANTASTIC art! I remember back in the Monster contest days I tried to find our art thread, but you didn't have one. :badpokerface:
    Wait there are requests?!?!?!

    Can you do Kcalb?

    kcalbontage.png <-- All of them are kcalb.

    If you do the request you can do whatever you want with him.
  16. Sorry for the delay on things, I'm just figuring stuff out...


    In the meantime, a big thank you from me to Vector Squared for their oh-so-kind feature of my humble little artwork. ;u; It really means a lot to me!
  17. Really distinctive art style there -- love it.
  18. Ask, and ye shall receive!
    Although I had absolutely no idea what a chippo was, so I kind of improvised.
    Also I am really kind of falling in love with hylotls. The fact that they don't yet have a canonical design makes it all the more fun for meeee

    also listened to this song on repeat when drawing:
  19. Your art is so good it makes my eyes bleed o_O

    The adventure... the map... the Hylotl all are so awesomely crafted that it makes me want to create art that good. Really love the shading and the general colors of things -- vibrant and goo-ish (kinda).
    Cyan the Red likes this.
  20. thanks! I was going for a kind of amphibious-type look with him, cuz I figured hylotl = axolotl = salamander, so a lot of my designs for the hylotl heavily rely on reference images of salamanders and the like. Which is good, because salamanders are both adorable and kinda freaky, which is right up my alley~

    Edit: Here we go, more hylotl studies!
    Spectr, blind sniper and nababoo like this.

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