6th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. mollygos submitted a new blog post:

    6th October Progress

    Continue reading the Original Blog Post
  2. badtrip987

    badtrip987 Aquatic Astronaut

    nice update!
    tassina and ARthunder like this.
  3. Wolfbanes

    Wolfbanes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Love to see these updates! Awesome job, guys!

    Does that mean we get even more NPC chatter based on whether our weapons are holstered or not? That's pretty great, unlike other games where you talk to people while pointing your gun at their face and they act nonchalantly like it happens all the time.
    legodude2, tassina and King Leonidas like this.
  4. Trowzers

    Trowzers Existential Complex

    Hooray! This is really taking shape! I guess it makes sense that the guards would get worried if you walk around town wielding a giant sword.

    Will biomes appear randomly or in chunks like the horizontal slices in Terraria? Would be more fun to tunnel under your base and not be sure what you are going to find.
    OMGJJ likes this.
  5. Okari

    Okari Space Spelunker

    You know guys (devs) I want to thank you all for sticking to yours, or Tiy's, guns and not giving us the beta yet, every day that I read about the additions you've all been making I'm glad they will be in the game before I get my hands on them. I can imagine the game experience of empty dungeons, limited item functionality, zombie npcs, and massive bug problems (not that I don't enjoy a good bug hunt) so, Thank you.
  6. Yeah... you better!:viking:
    In all seriousness though, as long as you guys get the job done I cannot complain!
    Good work, as always!

    Player codex is still there? Sweet!
  7. ARthunder

    ARthunder Star Wrangler

    Awesome you guys are great cant wait to see all these things you are adding they are going to give the game real depth good job keep up you awesome things.
  8. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    The reason they haven't released the beta is because it is quite literally too broken and incomplete that it would do little more than hinder the development process somewhat if they were to release a Beta right now. I'm not sure they really have a choice in the matter at this point seeing as the hype built up over the beta could very easily turn into a rage train (see spoiler) if the released beta is just terrible (buggy, incomplete, etc, etc).


    Personally I could deal with bugs and an incomplete product because I've beta tested quite a few times (usually closed betas for MMOs). But not everyone is as forgiving as I am when it comes to development phases.
    Gears, Silver86, hansmorg and 7 others like this.
  9. Luxmeow

    Luxmeow Tentacle Wrangler

    I'm really excited about this game, each update I read makes me even more happy. I don't even mind waiting for it to be released because when I see the updates I just wonder what else could be added.
    legodude2 likes this.
  10. Silver4Espeon

    Silver4Espeon Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice work, you guys! ^.^

    Guards forget about you if you hide out for a while? Phew, that means if I accidentally attack someone I'm probably not doomed, since I can just hide out and wait for them to forget about me. But are they more wary of you depending on your reputation? Like, if you walk in after committing a massacre and the guards have stopped chasing you, will they chase you again if they mistrust you enough?
  11. Bazoril

    Bazoril Void-Bound Voyager

    AI is important, after all what else am i going to do after i get top tier weapons besides destroy every single "friendly" NPC? It's like a secret endgame in every game i know of.
    tassina likes this.
  12. SomaSam

    SomaSam Big Damn Hero

    Not bad at all.
  13. Gene

    Gene Phantasmal Quasar

    This is an important confirmation that I don't think has been settled by devs before: Ships are saved with character rather than with planet/universe. That means that if you join other people's servers and their state of the universe, you still keep the structures on your ship as if it was in your own universe.

    Recently I wrote an a mini-essay on the importance of ship customization. I can only wait until players can customize their ship to such an extent, they don't see a reason to leave them! ;)


    As usual, great progress, keep it up. :)
  14. asdfghjkl1234567890

    asdfghjkl1234567890 Big Damn Hero

    Sounds like stuff's really coming together :DD
    Auraknight, tassina and BrenSage like this.
  15. Cenlax

    Cenlax Title Not Found

    I was waiting for the picture to load, only to find out it would never come.
  16. Okari

    Okari Space Spelunker

    to the first sentence, exactly! Each day the more I read the more I realize that had we been handed a Beta at worst it would have been the blueprints to a house, at best a cardboard cutout of it standing tall on a hill. The rage thing I don't think is any of their fault and more just a reflection on what consumers expect in this day and age of internet ordering, instant movies on demand, etc. and as far as bug testing I'm personally hoping that we get the chance once the beta does start as I've always had fun trying to break a game, though don't expect me to catch any spelling or grammar mistakes. ^_^;
  17. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    It honestly feels like you just updated a couple hours ago.
  18. ViteLock

    ViteLock Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yay! the guards act like well guards!!! and lore is always good.
  19. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    For sure, it is me when Starbound will be finish...
    *time to take my daily walk -too busy
    *time to search a job -too busy
    *Time to eat -too busy
    *time to die -too busy (and the haven has a really bad internet, worst then the hell...)
    Toastation and huntcameron like this.
  20. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    I disagree, the devs (Tiy especially) often talk about how they want the beta super finished and awesome and all that. I wouldn't lay all of the blame on them but I'd be naive to think they played no part in building ridiculous hype whatsoever.

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