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WIP: The Viera of Ivalice 0.3.2

The Viera of Ivalice have fled to the stars

  1. Furniture Pack I, Nanzie's Wigs & Curiosities, and fixes/changes/additions galore!

    *As always, a precaution to remember to remove your old installation of this mod before adding the update, and always back up your files just in case*

    First I'll begin with the list of fixes/changes

    - Fixed Diamond Sword swing placement
    - Fixed back arm on Casual Viera starter outfit (BOY did I have a dumb error)
    - Woodworking table is no longer a platform
    - Fixed cover image for beds
    - Job outfits now crafted at the spinning wheel
    - Job staves now crafted at woodworking table
    - Tile health has been increased


    - Rava Viera skin tone (The darker skinned Viera)
    - Five more ear colors to choose from!

    This probably makes you wanna make new characters :p But I wanted to increase choices for character creation. If only there was a station where you could alter your appearance in game >_<


    Furniture List:

    Refrigerator (Functions as food storage)
    Kitchen Counter (Functions as a cooking station)
    Kitchen Sink
    Wood Fired Oven (Functions as a campfire for cooking meats)
    Wood shelving There's an issue with the shelf where there is a pixel of space between it and the item placed on top of it. This will be fixed asap!
    -Wooden Chest
    -Large Urn
    - Acorn shaped large overhead lights
    - Smaller acorn shaped lights for walls, floors, and ceilings
    End table
    Stone Hearth (functions as a furnace)
    Spinning Wheel
    Bathroom sink
    Bath tub (Go take a bath! It works!)
    -Curtains! Swag curtains, valances, and animated shades that move up and down when you activate them with "E." Three sizes of each type of window dressing! Craftable at the Viera spinning wheel. There is a known glitch with the animated shade where *sometimes* it wants to place itself a pixel off. This issue is annoying and will be fixed asap. Know that if you fiddle with it enough in game, it will take it's proper position, and that it doesn't always behave this way when placing it.
    -Two banners (Crafted at the Viera spinning wheel)
    - Decorative wall rug (Crafted at the Viera spinning wheel)
    -Emblem of the Wood
    -Sword and Bow racks
    Window Lattice to match the current furniture pack!

    Another new addition....

    Nanzie! She runs a wig and curiosities shop selling Final Fantasy goods and wigs for the Viera! Nanzie's shop is craftable from the woodworking table for 50 wood planks. She's my first custom character, and eventually she will sell Viera codexes and a memoir of her journeys. A bookworm who thirsts for knowledge and color, Nanzie just keeps reading and selling goods all day every day at her shop. I want to tweak her so that her shop emits light >_<


    What sort of curiosities does Nanzie sell? Well the biggest thing is definitely the gramophone!

    The gramophone plays a moderate amount of music from most of the Final Fantasy games. If you want to request more songs, let me know and I'll add them! Unfortunately each song is played at random. In the future I'm aiming to create an interface that will allow you to choose. Regardless, it's a very fun addition to your Viera home.

    Nanzie also sells rare flowers from Ivalice, a moogle plushie, a storage urn, and a painting that serves as a dedication to my favorite Final Fantasy ^_^

    What to expect next update:

    -Paint tool functionality to change the colors of the fabrics on the furniture in pack I to increase decorative choices
    -Tweak to Nanzie's shop to make it emit light
    -Fixes for furniture stated above in red
    -More Viera doors. Ya can't use that one with the glass window all over your house, can you?!
    -Probably more furniture that I didn't get to with this update
    -A new starter weapon
    -NPC Spawners
    -A tree that only the Viera can speak to. A tree with the voice of the Wood Herself ^_^
    -OH and then there's the Viera airship I'm beginning work on! It's time the Viera traversed the universe in the proper manner :p

    Probably some more stuff that escapes me now because it's so late >_< If only I had the time and energy to stay up longer and update my mod page.

    Anyhow, I hope you Love this update as much as I do! Let me know what ya think and if there are any issues at all, please list them in the discussions section of this mod. As always, thank you for downloading. I'm so glad that you all enjoy this addition to Starbound ^_^

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