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WIP: The Viera of Ivalice 0.3.2

The Viera of Ivalice have fled to the stars

  1. Updated to Upbeat Giraffe and more content added!

    FINALLY an update! So sorry I've been away from modding for quite some time now, but thanks to the new stable update, I'm back in the game ^_^


    To begin with, all files have been updated to meet the current versions requirements. Once I did that, I sifted through all forty-six hairstyles and remade them, adding two more colors for added dimension. The biggest changes with the hair are that I heavily altered fem1, 2, 3, 9 and definitely 40 (Fran's hair). Fran's hair before was kind of a mess of details, though to be fair, it was my first strike at pixel art when I made that :p So below you can see Fran's new hair. I hope you're as pleased with it as I am!


    What's more about the hairstyles? A free-flowing, moveable Viera ponytail that serves as a back item, that's what! Craftable at the yarn spinner!

    Regretting a hairstyle choice? Wanting to change your Viera's hair on the fly? Well, wigs of all hairstyles are now craftable at the spinning wheel for one plant fibre! Half wigs were made for the Fran hairstyle, along with another. While I was playing, I realized that the ponytail back item didn't function properly with my tier armor head pieces, due to the mask file. There's really no pleasing way around that unless I want to hide hairstyles with helmets, which I don't. BUT it was such a shame to not be able to use the moveable ponytail with Fran's helmet, so I made a wig with the helmet attached as well, so that the ponytail can be used with it properly, which is also crafted at the yarn spinner.

    Dye functionality however is not working yet, so that will have to wait, although each wig has the hairstyle color table from the species file, and it will be easy to implement once dyes are functional. I'm mainly hoping that the well known Dye Mod will be updated so that we can make use of it with this mod and hair, armors, etc will be dye-able. I'm still looking at figuring it out myself, but that's on the back burner for now. Also, I really want to make an NPC who makes and sells these wigs for pixels, so there's that.

    Silver armor has finally been completed and added! It was obviously a Star Wars meets Valkyries of Nordic myth inspiration with a gradient of violet ^_^ Currently only useable by the females though!


    Next, the Viera have been given their S.A.I.L. It is none other than their beloved Wood-mother Herself, or the manifestation of Her. I designed The Wood with the inspiration of the famous Tree of Gondor symbol, and the Laputian artwork from Castle in the Sky. I Looooove how She turned out, but I'm still fleshing out Her dialog.


    What else has been updated? Well I'm ashamed that it took me a year to realize that the Tier One armor set (Fran's armor) required the default copper armor from Vanilla files, and NOT the Viera copper armor that I designed. So that recipe has been fixed to require the Viera copper armor. On a side note, I realize that copper, silver, and gold armors have been made unavailable by the Vanilla files (though the ones in this mod are still craftable of course). While playing through the game, I realized that speedy progression kind of changed the necessity of copper, silver, and gold armors, but I'm choosing to keep mine in because I do like them and hope to give them a perk of some sort to make you want to craft them.

    Also recipe costs for armors have lowered! There are also custom tech skins for the tech window, mission progression now works with the Viera....what else.....OH...


    It's time to build Viera homes (and someday randomly spawning villages). Use the new Vieran woodworking table to create tiles, along with a matching door, Viera flag, two slightly different fences and platforms for building! I created a ton of tiles with motifs to mix and match and play with, all of which are straight from Final Fantasy XII. I went to Eruyt Village in-game and took tons of screenshots so that we could finally build Viera homes/rabbit holes :p I've yet to be able to amass huge amounts of unrefined wood yet to build them into trees as they were in XII. Due to some minor tile/detail limitations, I couldn't get exact replicas of the homes from XII, but I thiiiiink I got pretty close! I Love the idea of building their homes to reach into the ground like rabbit holes though. There's a good amount of modular tiles too (Vieran Wall, Rabbit hole, etc) to provide accessibility to various widths and thicknesses desired in the architecture, even tiles specifically meant as end caps to other tiles.



    Above^ In-game screen from FFXII so you can see their original homes.
    Moveable ponytail! I would've thrown this image in earlier, but I didn't want to spoil the building materials surprise :p

    I had honestly hoped to hold this update until I had completed the first furniture set, so all you've got to play with currently is a Viera bed I designed. More furniture is on the way though, along with a Moogle plushie or two :p

    What to expect next? Welllll on my agenda is the first furniture pack and definitely a Viera ship to traverse the stars in. The latter will take me quite a bit of time though, since I've gotta design a ship and it's upgrades from scratch (BOY do I have ideas) and I've never made a ship in this game before, though I have fiddled with it, and luckily my boyfriend has the know-how that I don't lol. Anyway, thank you for following this mod and believing in my work. This update is for you, so enjoy yourself!
    wfttNEKO, NayNayY and Naga-Boss like this.
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