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Weapon Tech Mod V.

Adds special techs that can only be used with certain weapons.

  1. Minor update / Race varified animations & Avali,Novakid compatibility

    I've been kind of busy with my real life recently so the update got little bit late. But it's on now anyway!

    As I posted before, this update covers only minor stuffs. Here's the list of changes.

    - Skill animations are now varied, based on player's race.
    - Avali & Novakid compatibility. (There are no race specified melee weapons for novakid right now but you can still use weapons of other races.)
    - Craftable vanilla broadswords & daggers are now supported with color changing option. You can change color with Emission Modifier and reset it with Emission Defaulter.
    - Few tweaks with projectile/skill animations.

    Nothing new is added, but in script-wise, quite a lot of things have been changed so there might be some bugs or errors. If you find any, please let me know.
    scoolbar2 likes this.
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