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Outdated StarMount 5.1

StarMount - 150 Mounts - Pleased Giraffe

  1. Update to Upbeat Giraffe + new swimming transforms

    Finally its here, an update to Upbeat Giraffe, sry it took so long but nevertheless its here now :)

    I made some changes to the mod, upgrading system has changed, because techs are now obtained through quests, I had to change this, so you can just craft upgrades. As soon as you craft a mount unlocker, quest will auto complete and your mount will be available in tech station.

    There's a new feature, swimming transforms, which will help you explore oceans (for more info check mod page).

    I should mention that I did test as much as I could, but some bug can still occur, as always, but feel free to post any problems in discussion section.

    New transforms:
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